
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Prom 2014 - Fun with Friends

Princess Four has been so busy with her Sterling Scholar application, her College classes, regular school, play practice, Musical theater practice for Region, and Certified Nursing Assistance class, along with regular school and applying and interviewing for Ambassador for College that she didn't give any thought to Jr. Prom since she is a senior.
The night before prom after the Sterling Scholar awards, she told me that she knew a few boys that were Juniors that weren't going to their own Jr. prom. 

I had a funny dress that I bought years ago at a "Thrift Town" off the 40% off holiday rack. It was originally $1.99 but with the discount, it was really cheap so I bought it thinking the girls could sing at the fourth of July wearing vintage (ugly) fourth dresses so over the years, I found a few and purchased them.

I was cleaning out the closet the other night and found them and figured that the girls haven't sung together in awhile and I could probably get rid of them.

Forward to last night after Sterling Scholar. I suggest that Princess Four wear the funky dress and go with one of the boys that isn't going to prom. She thinks that would be fun. I started pulling out the funky dresses and tell her I have red and black cummberbuns, bow ties and two options for tuxedo shirts and a silky, sequin jacket that her date could wear.

She called them that night and asked if they would like to go to prom in a relaxed way with no pressure. She even told them she would pay half the ticket. 

They decided to go and she called a girl friend and asked if she would be the other boys date. 

Her friend said she wanted to help so they worked on finding a dress that her friend would be comfortable in and put a few together so they could have a blue sparkle top to match the rest of the kids.
By the time they got everything ready, we were going to have someone pick up pizza's but for some reason, every pizza place in town closed at 8. My guess is that it was prom and half the town goes to watch. It is more like a debutant ball.   
Click here for Princess Four's prom.  
Click here for Princess Two's Prom.  Click to see Princess Three's Prom.

The kids had to go find somewhere else to eat and by the time they got back and got ready, they missed walking in the promenade. 

It was cute as I was getting the boys ready, they said they were really excited. I thought that they were joking but when I asked about it, the one said, "I'm really excited, I wasn't even going to go but now I am excited to go." 

They were the "HIT" of the prom. As soon as we arrived, all their friends were pulling them into pictures and the girls said they didn't even see much of them as everyone wanted them in their pictures. 

They came back to our house and changed before going to someone's house for movies. I asked if they had fun dancing and they said they really had fun. One of the boys said "cummberbun" was a really fun word to say. The other boy said he had it on upside down thinking that the slits were "pockets" in the cummberbun. It was cute. 
Princess got home around 3 a.m. She said it was fun and she was really glad she talked the boys into going. I know that the boys had fun and am proud of Princess for thinking of others and seeing that someone may just need some urging to go. 

The school has always made sure that all the girls go to prom that would like to go working out dates for them if they don't have one but I didn't realize that they don't do the same thing for the boys. 

I think Jr boys that may not have the funds or confidence to go could only feel good that some confident and beautiful Senior girls would take them. I hope the school will take a look at that and remedy it. 

I am glad they went and had fun and I loved that they dressed up and that they had fun rather than it being stressful. Almost everything they wore was from a thrift store but the entire outfits probably were less than $5 each. I can't remember exactly on the tux shirts but I wouldn't have spent more than $4 on them. 

Good Job Princess FOUR! I am proud of you and I WANT you! ;-)

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