
Monday, April 14, 2014

Meet the New Ambassador - BEST BIRTHDAY EVER

Princess Four is turning 17. We celebrated her birthday on April fools day. She applied to be an ambassador at the college she will be attending in the fall. 

Her sister will be leaving that team as an ambassador when she graduates in May. Several of Princess Fours friends also applied to be ambassadors but she was the only one to make the team. 

Princess Three was asked by the faculty over the Ambassadors to find a cute way to tell Princess Four that she made the team. 

Princess Three asked me to tell Princess four that I got a letter in the mail saying she didn't make the team. 

I took Princess Four to lunch for her birthday and while there, I told her I got a letter saying she didn't make the team. 

I felt horrible making her feel bad but she seemed to handle it well. 

After she went back to school, the faculty member over the Ambassadors drove to our town and texted me letting me know she was headed to the high school. We met in the office and then the secretary called Princess Four down to the office. I had the camera set for her to come through the main student doors. However, since she works in the office, she used the faculty door. 

If you see the above picture, she is way at the other end of the office and I am by the student doors with the Ambassador faculty. You can see her jumping in excitement however and then she ran to the adviser jumping all the way.

They hugged and visited and it was so cute to hear her say how it was such a great "April fools day" prank as she really believed me when I told her she didn't make it. She said it made the news all the better finding out that way.

We celebrated her birthday during the week before as her sister was home for spring break so today I took her to lunch, she found out about becoming an Amabassador and then I bought her a shirt in the new college colors, her friend came over with gifts later that night and then her prom date showed up at our house when she was at his house dropping off a cd of prom pictures as their disc stopped working. 

I laughed when she called me from his house asking if he was at our house. He showed up just before she did as I guess he was at the store picking up some gifts for her birthday. 

We invited him for some ice cream and we lit a candle in her ice cream as no one at our house really likes cake much so she got the waffle cone for lunch and the ice cream tonight. 

As you can tell by the pictures, she was VERY excited by the great news today. She has had a crazy few weeks and just the other day she asked me if she could be in a local beauty pageant. I have to say I responded in a sarcastic way as she has done everything available to her opportunity wise and I have been one step behind paying for them all and running from one activity to the next. She told me it wouldn't cost anything but I told her it wasn't about the money but just how busy she is. She is still taking mostly college credits and still has a national licensing test to take for her CNA along with speaking at graduation and there is another girls preference dance coming up that she intends on attending along with State Drama and there is a talent show this week etc. 

I am so grateful she is so engaged in good things. I truly don't know how so does it all. I wonder if watching her is part of why I am so tired. :-)

It was a good day and she came in and visited about how grateful she was about the day and how great it was that her friends remembered her. 

 It was nice as about then her aunt on her dads side texted sending her birthday wishes. It has been good having someone in their dads family remember the girls in the past year or so. Thanks Aunt S for remembering your niece. It all matters. Hopefully someday soon we will be able to visit and catch up again in person. 

She also got a birthday card in the mail from my dad and step-mom (only call her that for clarification as she is a wonderful mother to our family) with some cash in it. Princess mentioned how generous it is of them to send cash to all their grandchildren as they have over 60. She mentioned that just remembering to send a card and postage to all of them would break the bank. So, THANK you dad and mom for remembering my girls and being such amazing examples of what a father and stepmothers role can be in our lives. We truly feel blessed to have such a wonderful family.  I can't believe it has been 17 years, well actually 18 if you count the year she was born before being one. What a blessing each one of those years with her has been. Princess Four -         I WANT AND LOVE YOU!

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