
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blood Moon - Total Eclipse of the Moon

Tonight was somewhat of a historic night. I guess I should say, this morning was a bit of a historic morning. 

There was something called a "blood moon" this morning. It is when the earths shadow crosses the moon in a certain way. There have been times when over 300 years have passed before the next "Blood moon" reoccurred. 
It is a rare thing but for some reason, in the next 1 1/2 years, it will be happening four times. 

At first, the eclipse looks a bit silver until it reaches over half way as you can see in my pictures, and the closer it gets to full, the more "blood" and orange in color it appears.
If you missed this one, don't be sad as you can view one in October. You can hope that there isn't any cloud cover. 

There will also be one next April as well. 

The fact that it happened on Easter week is a bit interesting to me. 
Someone in the news pointed out that it is interesting that "passover" is when the jews put "BLOOD" on the doorways so the destroying angels would "passover" their children and anyone that had the blood on their door, their children were saved and "passed over" and not killed.
I couldn't help think of that as the moon passed over me in the sky for several hours with a blood color and how scriptures talk of the moon turning blood red. 

In Acts 2:20 it states; "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:"

It kinda makes me pray that this isn't a sign of the times having four so close together....
I used my Lumix FZ-18 Panasonic regular camera that I won. My HD camcorder battery was dead so I used my Lumix to video and pictures. Click here for a link to my winning the cameras.

My pocket lumix didn't do as well so I just used the one. The picture above is the normal eye looking at the moon and stars. You can see how well the camera magnified the moon and considering I was holding the camera without a tripod, the pictures came out quite good. 
I also took video so you can see the color changes and how quickly the eclipse went. We were only watching about 1/2 hour between the first pictures and the total eclipse. 

Princess Five was the only one home and I texted the other girls and several went out and checked it out where they were.  

She tuckered out after a long day once it was total but I had a few things to do to get ready for Easter camping so I stayed up and took a few more pictures and videos of the event. 
I posted the videos on youtube and the links are below. They are short and worth a watch if you missed seeing it for yourself. The first is about 2 minutes and the others are less than a minute each or so. 

If you miss the three eclipses left, you will have to wait until 2032 or later to see it again. Towards the end of the eclipse, the moon was near mercury and you could see them both glowing red. It is on the far right of the above picture. 
Here is the first video which is the longest.

Here is the second one, I thought it was over but it was still light from the edges. 

Here is the third video which you can see more of the "blood" orange in it. 

Here is the last one, I zoomed back to get more color as it was so dark the camera couldn't focus on it that close. 

Hope you enjoyed the Blood Moon as much as we did! 

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