
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blessing Day for Grand Princess One!

In our church, we don't baptize infants. We baptize them at age 8 when they are more able to know right from wrong. 

So, instead of a "christening" we perform a "blessing" upon the child and officially give them their name. 

This is typically done by their father or grandfather as in our faith, we believe that men hold the priesthood once ordained by someone that holds the priesthood. 

Princess One was on maternity leave from her job since their move and having the baby. She knew she would be having to drive the long drive to have her finish up day and review at work in April. 

She didn't want to make both sets of grandparents drive the lengthy drive to their new home as it is quite the drive and the other factor is that they still don't know many people in their new area or church congregation.
She called several times trying to schedule her last work day with giving her baby a blessing in the city they used to live in as Prince One's parents live there and we would only have a two hour drive versus the 5 to their new place. 
Between Princess Four and Fives busy schedules, work and college schedules for the other girls, she had to reschedule the event three or four times. 

We finally picked a day only to find out it was Dance Team tryouts and Princess Four needed to help with the "Sleep over" for the girls that made the new team. She missed most of that and Princess Five decided not to try out for the team next year as she is thinking of a few other sports that conflicted with Dance team.

We left right after school and headed up for the event picking up Princess Three on the way. 

When we all arrived, the baby was screaming. She is used to being home all day with just mom. 

They rented a car which ended up being a VERY high truck since the last people didn't return the car they had rented early this morning. 
They drove several hours, she was with mom at work and people oohing and ahhing over her all day, to go to "grandma's house" to get dressed in a lacy dress, to get back into the car (truck) to get pulled out again, now screaming, to see a bunch of people and she was NOT happy. 

I got to hold her and get her to sleep for a second and tried to take some pictures of her in her dress but you can see she was hungry as her hands went right to her mouth once I took the "binky" out. 

Her mom fed her but she still cried through the event and much of the evening until she got her out of the dress and mom held her close. 

They had their cousins there with their new babies as well but both are boys so we are hoping someone has a girl close in age. 

Several of the girls didn't get to hold her at all and in the picture where her dad is holding her, his face is funny because just before that he turned her so everyone could see her and she screamed, he is reacting to her scream.
I thought it was cute that they blessed her in the building where they met. Kinda a sweet memory for them. 

Also, if you notice in the picture where Princess Four is holding her, there is a sign on the wall that reads, "Occupancy 111." (Click here for a post about that number) I thought it was a good sign even though she had a rough day!         

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