
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Trust in Me - God Vs Satan

If you read my blog, you will know that I have a section just for "Trust in Me" moments when I find coins etc. I was thinking the other day about the "trust in me" song from the jungle book where Moglie is sleeping in the tree and the snake Kaa mesmerizes him into submission using his "dazzling" eyes and things of the world and slowly takes him to a place where he isn't able to use his senses clearly. This lures Moglie into being trapped in a situation where he is almost killed because he wasn't paying attention to what was going on around him.

This is similar to the Casino situation. They lure you in by the lights, no windows, money clinking sounds, and give you free drinks to dull your senses. They keep it dark, no windows and don't let you know what time it is. Everything is BIG giving you the perspective you are small.

Here is a link to Mowgli's attempt to keep away from Kaa but he stays long enough that he doesn't get away. Only through someone's help does he get free. Shere Kahn, the tiger just happens to be passing and hears the song of the snake. Sometimes, people can be put into our paths that help us and can be inspirational in getting us out of the traps that Satan sets.

"Trust in Me" is what Satan wants, trusting in money, power, people, ourselves and the devices that can lure us into a sure trap such as alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography and gambling. Eventually, people find out that those are really empty cups and there is nothing in them to satisfy ourselves. We get to the bottom and see how far we are in the trap and assume there is no way out.

God, 12 step programs, family, friends, coaches, and others, can be the answer to helping us get out of the traps Satan set to lure us in.

Trust in HIM, would be a better way to get through our lives. Each time I see a coin, I remember to Trust in Him. You can find something that reminds you where your trust needs to be and something that can help you stay clear of the traps that first snagged you into the trap to begin with.

RUN from "friends" or situation that can lead you down into that trap again. Find friends and support people who will be there for you when you need it. When tempted to go down that path again, plan a game party or a movie night and surround yourself with people who will help you feel connected to people rather than trying to connect with the addiction. 

Everyone has their addictions weather it be something seemingly mild such as caffeine, spending time on the internet, romance novels, watching movies or tv to bigger things such as drugs, alcohol, pornography or sexual addictions. No matter what our addictions, treating them is all same. Overcoming them on our own is very difficult. 

In the end, it is hard to overcome it by yourself. Putting your trust in Him is the only way to truly overcome those traps that Satan lures us into.   

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