
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ice, Ice Baby - Replacing an Ice Maker in the Freezer or Fridge

I am an iceaholic. I put ice in anything I drink. When I have an headache, I can't take drinking coke without ice as I really don't like the taste. 

When I drink the Vitamin C "Emergency" drinks, I don't like the taste either so putting ice in them keeps it cold enough that I don't taste it so much. 

The other day, the ice maker got stuck. It happens sometimes, I am not sure why. I usually pour a little bit of hot water in the ice area and it will melt it enough that the maker will then start up again. 

Other times, if the fridge door is left ajar a little, the ice will get stuck to the bar that regulates the "on/off" switch. 

I tried several things to get the ice maker to work and pushed the mechanism as it kept getting stuck half way into the ice and was stopping half way into the cycle. I then tried to melt the ice with a hair dryer. It would melt the ice and the maker would go around but then the water wouldn't go into the maker.

I have been VERY frustrated not having any ice since I didn't know it was broken, I dumped out the ice after using the warm water to thaw it and I thought it would be working soon so I had NO ice for a day and a half. I know it seems silly but I truly use ice daily. 

I went to a second hand store after going out of town to meet Princess Three for lunch. I COULDN'T believe it when my EXACT ice maker was at the second hand store for $6. People can think what they may but I KNOW my Heavenly Father LOVES ME!  

It may seem like a little thing to others who don't use ice but for me, it would have been VERY stressful for me not to have an ice maker. I thought I would just buy bagged ice and dump it into my container. 

BUT, instead, my Father in Heaven blessed me with the only ice maker I have EVER seen at a second hand store in my life. And, for $6. 

I called my repair man asking if he thought my maker was repairable and he told me that once it starts acting like that, it isn't safe to keep it as it can cause flooding or other problems. I have already had him replace it once a few years ago.

He told me that the one for sale was probably one someone took out of a freezer to upgrade it for one that does water and ice in the door. He told me that $6 was a great deal and it would be worth taking a chance to see if it works. 

He did say that you can get one off a fridge or freezer that is getting recycled if I needed as well but it would probably be used and dirty but this one was clean and the exact same as my maker! 

Basically, it takes 3 screws to replace the maker. 

First, unplug the fridge. Then, take out the three screws holding the maker in place. You can see in the picture of the side where the three holes for screws are. The plastic clip is easy to remove. You pull out the little edge and unplug the harness. 

To put the new one in, you just plug the harness into the fridge clip and then screw in the three screws. I made a video of me doing it for youtube and you can see that here. There is one screw on the bottom and two on the top. I am enjoying my ICE, ICE Baby! 

I had to add something here; I gave a prayer of gratitude to Him for sending me the ice maker. When I finished praying, I was walking to my bedroom singing "I know you love me, I know you like me." from the movie "Miss Congeniality" when I looked at the clock and started laughing out loud. The clock was at 1:11. Just had to share that with you. 

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