
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dance Dance Party

Before the girls get to be in a dance, the entire team learns the dance and then they "try out" of the the dance. 

Sometimes, depending on the year, every girl makes every dance. Other years, they have people that don't make each dance.

This year, all the girls but the freshmen girls were put on the two main dances for competition. It isn't always about talent, sometimes it is about other things. 

Depending on the amount of students enrolled in the school district for a specific year, our school changes classification. 

Some years, our school is 2-A and other years, we jump to 3-A. It seems that we are on a cycle. Every third or fourth year, there are more students enrolled so we don't compete against our local rival school as we jump to larger classification.

This makes it hard for our small school to be able to compete with the schools who are just below the next classification and we barely just have enough to be in that higher classification.
Sometimes, those and other factors come into play as to who is in the dance and how well we do in competitions. 

The girls do amazing things when given the chance and the one thing I can count on, is that they will be smiling through the entire thing other than where they make "faces" for the dance. 

If you don't believe me, check out the bottom picture, could she look any happier? The girls just enjoy dance. It really doesn't matter where or when, they just enjoy the music and movement. 

Click on the pictures if you want to see them bigger. Some of these are really beautiful. Princess really is talented and I enjoy watching her move. I hope you enjoy the pictures this week as much as I do.

1 comment:

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed the Old Folks Dance video! What a great job by all the dancers!
