
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Military Dance On the Mark

Military is one of the dances that is included in the line up each year. 

Over the years, they change things up and move things around as needed. Many years ago, they would have jump splits in the mix for military. 

While I was in high school, my girlfriend jumped high and landed in the splits and broke her pelvis and couldn't move until they came and pulled her off the floor. 
No more jump splits. In fact, if they do ANY move that has their backside hit the floor before another part of the body, they get dinged. 

They used to use fake guns or swords for the military routines. Get hit in the head with a wooden gun while they are making a "toss" and you don't want to do that again. 

Then they used to do head stands and the entire team would practice those. Then the next year, they would not only do head stands but spin on their heads while in the head stands.... 

Now, no more head stands. They try and keep the girls safe but it sometimes gets hard to make a good military routine with only so many moves and lots of restrictions. 
Over the years, I have seen a few AMAZING routines but for the most part, they all look the  same. 

The one that stood out the most was one team that wore boyscout uniforms and did a very creative military routine around that theme. 

This year, my favorite routine was a Oriental Themed one similar to Mulan. They did very new and creative moves but still held the military tone.
I don't think they will be getting rid of the Military category any time soon as it has been around forever. I do think it will continue to evolve and will continue to give way to more creative outlets and "tricks." It will be interesting to see where it goes from here. 

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