
Friday, February 28, 2014

We're Off to see the Baby.....

I wanted the girls to be able to meet Grand-Princess number one. We have lots of things going on during our weekends but even more going on in the week days. 
All the girls were wondering when they would get a chance to meet their new niece. We talked about different days that may work and we had a day planned to go up over a holiday weekend as it is ten hours to drive there and back. 

Princess Four found that she had a mandatory practice for her community choir on that day so we rearranged the plan so we could head up on a Sunday instead. We met up with Princess Two and Three along the way and stayed the night at Princess Two's house about halfway between our home and Princess One's house. 

We drove the three hours the Sunday morning and were able to stay from about noon until 3 and got to enjoy Grand Princess One for the entire time as she ate as we arrived and was awake the entire time we were there.

We had to leave early as Princess Four forgot she had practice that night at 8 with a five hour drive to get home after we dropped off Princess Two and Three along the way. 

We were sad to have to leave but as you can see by all these adorable smiles of the girls holding their new niece, the visit was a hit. They couldn't have had bigger smiles or a better time. 

The best part was just after we left and got on the road, Prince number One told us that she filled her diaper and we missed having to help change it! The girls didn't feel so sad about missing out on that. 

I made a lunch for us all and the roads were clear the entire way home. 

It was a wonderful trip and I thought since Princess One is doing "Wizard of Oz" for the baby's room, the title was fitting. We had a long journey on a road to a city with a beautiful Prize at the end...... Sounds like a movie ending....

The best ending for me, was that I got to hold Grand Princess number One again after a few days of not seeing her. Her little face had changed already and gotten a bit rounder. 
I also got to give my Princess Number One a few more hugs and tell her how proud I am of the woman and mother she has become. I gave her the butterfly necklace she is wearing in this picture after she gave birth to her daughter. She has spread her wings and has become a beautiful mother of her own. 

We bought the butterfly in Peru when we did our service mission. It is made from real butterfly wings lined with glass and silver. I wanted to give her something special for her first child... I guess she liked it as she wore it for our visit.

I am excited to see what her daughter will be off to see and what roads she will take. I hope in the end, she is as happy as her mother is with her choices....

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