
Thursday, February 27, 2014

It's About Time - Part 4

Princess Five has been working on her "Watch" project for a few months so there have been watches on the basement counter for a few months as she chose which one's she wanted and what frame she wanted etc. 

The other day, I walked into the kitchen with a movie that I picked out to watch as Princess Five and I worked on the "Watch" project. 

I set it down and on the counter were the items in the top photo along with another white watch. 

I happen to be listening to the book "A Wrinkle in Time" right now on Audio Tape so it was on the counter. (I listen to audio books almost daily, here is a post about that.) Princess Three came home for the weekend and left the white and black watches on the counter when leaving as she decided she didn't want them after saying she did on another visit. 

Someone from church gave Princess Five this handout on Sunday and it ended up on the counter with the tapes, video and watches. That movie has been sitting in my bedroom for MONTHS if not a year for me to watch but I don't watch movies in there unless I am sick or something as I really don't have time so when Princess said she wanted my help and asked if we could watch a movie, I grabbed it and was headed down to work on her project. 

When I got my drink and went to pick up the video, I noticed that the only things on the counter were items dealing with "Time."   

I just stood there for a minute laughing, realizing that those were the items on the counter and I was headed down to work on "watches" to watch "A Time Machine" movie. Later, I laughed again when I realized that this sports clock was sitting by the front door for someone to pick up for two days as the lady kept postponing picking it up. 

Then, after taking the picture of the clock, I head into my bedroom and realize that this bracelet with a  watch on it has been sitting on my desk for a month as I kept forgetting to ask the girls if they wanted it.

We finished Princess Five's "Watch" project and put it up in her room and she has that cute inner working clock just below it as well. 

It seems like I am not getting a message somewhere that all of those items on the counter were placed there by others except the audio book which I had just picked out to listen to a day or so before. Why did it pick that out of the hundreds of options.... I am not sure. Why did I pick that old movie when we have several new release movies I haven't see yet?

I just think "Someone" is trying to tell me it is "Time" for something..... Maybe I just need to figure out what it is.....

Oh, the movie didn't get watched until I took a bath a few days later and it wasn't bad. It is by "Dream Works." 

If you have any ideas on the "time" issue, please feel free to share them with me. It is kind of interesting how it worked out.

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