
Monday, March 3, 2014

Family Newsletter 2013 Part One

I didn’t write my Christmas and holiday newsletter because my oldest daughter was expecting my first grandchild in the New Year. So, I waited to write this letter to let everyone know how we are doing. It has been a VERY busy month but I can now write this letter and share some fun pictures with you all with our newest edition.

Princess One is happily married. She worked for the state helping foster children move into adult living between ages 19 and 21. She helps them find jobs, get training, apartments etc. It is a stressful job but it kept her busy while her husband finished his master’s degree in Civil Engineering with a concentration in water systems. The condo they lived in was sold so they moved into a small rental until he graduated in December the week before Christmas. They moved the week of Christmas for him to take a job in a city five hours drive from our home but are still within the state. She finished working for the state a few weeks after their move and was due for their first child February 8. I always thought her due date was the 7th and their first Princess came on the seventh after a long labor but both mother and baby are doing fine and Dad was SUPER with both and is helping out lots even though he is still getting used to his new job and their new apartment. I went for a week to help them out and LOVED every minute with their beautiful princess and mine. She was 7lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long. She has lots of dark hair and looks just like her mother. She is a HUGE blessing in our lives.  

Princess Two is 23 and is working at a college transferring transcripts. She lives in a house with a girl from our town and is having fun living in a college town. There are two major universities within miles of her house and they keep active with house parties and match making amongst their friends. She sells things online for some spare cash and works often in the temple for our faith. She is working on genealogy and has enjoyed finding things on both sides of her family lines. She is dating often and still isn’t sure what to do when she “grows up” having graduated college years ago and since her surgery last year at Thanksgiving, her health has continued to improve and has no lasting issues so we are very grateful that she was able to have the surgery to remove her gallbladder.

Princess Three is 19 and finishing up her associate’s degree in the next few months. She was asked to be the Vice President of her ambassadors at the college she attends which gave her $1,000 on top of free rent and she has an academic scholarship which she is maintaining as well as working in the business office. She is VERY busy and we don’t often see her but I have tried to get back into visiting her once a week for lunch as I have missed that this past year. She is social and active and has a boyfriend whom we met for the first time this week. She just applied to be an ambassador for a 4 year college to continue in her studies for her bachelor’s degree. She made it through the first round and has just finished up the second round. We hope to find out soon if she is selected. She still isn’t sure what she wants to major in but has done well and maintained her grades so she will attend on scholarship there as well. It is about 6 hours away but we have family in that area so I am sure she will enjoy moving on there.

To be continued.... 

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