
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It's About Time - Part 3

I wanted to show you how cute the project Princess Five made turned out. She picked out the lace and put it on the watches and hung them from the wooden dowels but some of the laces were too thin and the watches were hanging leaning one way or another due to the lace sliding to the side. 

She got a bit tired of trying to make it work and the other problem she had, was that the background on this shelf was light like the wood around it and so the lace and watches weren't showing up well on the light colored wood. 

I purchased some black foam board to put in the back of the frame. 

I had her working on it herself so she could take all the credit but she said part of the fun was having me suggest things and spend time with her so I helped her find the right size lace for each width of watch so they would hang straighter and she wanted colors that were not bright but more of an antique look. 

Once we had that done, I had her measure the lengths so that the watches didn't hit the bar beneath and also that they weren't all hanging at the same length so there would be some variety on each dowel. 

We finished it last night and she put it up on the shelf in her room. She was glad to get the project finished as it has taken a few months from start to finish as we changed the "frame" container three times and worked up to this hanging design. With one of the "Frames" we were going to glue them on the background and another was a silver spoon display case and we were going to hang them from ribbons off the holders. 

One was just a shadow box from the craft store. However, she liked the color of this one as it matches the desk in the room she just moved into and as the shelf is just above the desk, she wanted to use the natural wood one. 

I think she did an amazing job on her project and is using her talents to create cute things.

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