
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's About Time - Part 2

I had her work on it by herself one night figuring out what watches to put on which dowel and what lace and ribbon she wanted to use for each watch. 

You can see in these photos she worked hard on laying the dowels out and gluing on the ribbons and lace to have them all hang at
different levels. 

She cut and glued them and put them on the floor to see how they would look. The problem with laying them is that they all lay flat. They started to hang differently once she had them in the box. 

One problems was that some were so long that they hit the row below them as well as some ribbons were too thin for the watch, especially the large middle watches, so I suggested she redo some of the ribbons and make them shorter or use thicker ribbons on the larger watches. 

She was tired and told me she didn't care and was done. I explain in tomorrows post how I suggested we put black behind them so they stand out better and putting larger ribbons etc so it would look finished. 

She finally shared with me that she wanted me to be there with her so we worked on it together with me making suggestions but having her make all the final choices so that she could say she made it. 

 Here you can see how it was going for her when she worked on it by herself. 

She finished it and followed through to the end. I think she liked creating something even though she sometimes starts things and doesn't like finishing them, she has gotten better as she gets older. Here is a post about her finishing some projects up last year.

Continued tomorrow. . .  

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