
Monday, January 13, 2014

Duck Tape Wallet

Princess number One has been a Duck Tape freak since high school. She would make lots of different things and they had a Duck Tape Ball that they would stick the used Duck tape on once it had been used to tape down wires. She worked as a Tech in the theater and they used lots of Duck tape. 

She made a Duct Tape Wallet and the other girls really liked her fascination with the tape. 

If you read our blog, you will know we have lots of Duct Tape. Here is a link to one of our posts about Duck Tape. 

Make a even square out of Duck tape. You can even use the "sheets" of Duck tape that you can use. Once you have a square, cover both side. Make it so there is no sticky showing through. 

Fold the square in half. You can then use strips of Duct Tape to make the little pockets to hold credit cards etc. Fold the tape over onto itself but not in half. If you fold it in half, you will have to use other tape to hold it down. If you fold it over on itself but leave 1/4 of it showing that is sticky. Use that portion to stick it down to the inside of the folded square. Once you have several of these "pockets" down, you can choose the edging color. 

Use that color and seal the inside "pockets" using the edging color. I like the alternating colors but you could make it one color. You could also make the "pockets" in different colors as well.

I thought it was a cute idea and appreciated her talent at making up the pattern. 

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