
Friday, January 10, 2014

Princess Four's New Bed and My Grandma's Room

Princess Four wasn't sure she wanted a new bed but I didn't like that she was sleeping on a bunk bed. She has had a bit of a hard time letting go as I think she isn't sure she is ready to move on to college. 

This was a bit of a step for her. She at first didn't even want the regular bed but as we started moving things and taking the other bed out, she started to get excited. 

I could see she wasn't sure about getting rid of many items but I told her she could take a few days to sort through her stuff and make choices of things she may want to keep or let go of. 

As we kept working, she said she may be willing to get rid of the collection she has. These are all big steps and I like that she is now thinking of moving on. It is funny that moving a few things can shift someone's focus. 

Her room isn't quite clean here but it was late so I just went ahead and took some pictures. I probably should have taken them now when the room is put together and she has sorted and gotten rid of more items but you will get the idea. 

I thought I would show Princess Fives old room as I thought it would be a nice grandma's room.

Since I am having a grand princess, I figure it will be good to keep the dress up room as it is and we moved the little toy box with baby toys up there as well. Once Princess Five moves out, I think I will make her room an office/sewing room. 
We hung a few costumes on the wall hooks but the rest are in the drawers are in the closet. 

There is a "princess" drawer and a "super hero" drawer and one just for hats. The wigs are on hooks in the closet and there is the little rocking chair and the tv/dvd under the bunk. 
I think it will be a hit as my nieces and friends with little children LOVE that room. I thought about painting the room over as a guest room but it is so small and it is already painted cute so I think I will keep it for the grandchildren. 

It is nice that I have the girls all in rooms that they enjoy and that we have gone through four of the rooms in the house and cleaned out. I hope I can get through the rest of the rooms soon.

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