
Friday, December 13, 2013

Thanksgiving Bunko Bash

The family got together for our annual Thanksgiving dinner and bunko bash. 
I handed someone the camera and asked them to take pictures. I realized looking for pictures of this post that I don't have pictures of all the girls. 

They got some great one's of other family members and of some of the girls. 
I really love that my family gets together for the holidays but as they all get older, less and less of the cousins actually show up and they all tend to leave early being busy with their lives. 

I don't know how many more years the events will take place with all the cousins. I am guessing it won't be long until we break down into smaller family units for the holidays. Once everyone starts having more grand-kids, I am sure that is how it will go. 

That is about when we stopped doing things with my cousins. I rarely see my cousins anymore. I have planned a few family reunions with my cousins over the years and I really enjoy visiting with them.

Click here for post about a bunko reunion.
Click here for a second post about a bunko reunion.
Click here for a third post about a bunko reunion. 
Click here for a fourth post about a bunko reunion.

I really enjoyed getting to visit with the family but most had to leave so I took up all the prizes and we played with only a few people as most had to leave. I don't think I will be doing bunko with the immediate family anymore but will just save it for the larger family reunions.

I did laugh and joke with my dad that if I had offered $1,000 prize for the most bunko's, everyone would have stayed to play. I figure even if I offered $100 for the main prize, more people would have stayed to play. My dad laughed. 

It was wonderful to visit and I am thankful for my family!

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