
Monday, December 30, 2013

Human Barometer - Flu and Migraine

I tried for awhile now to upload some pictures. For some reason, my internet isn't working well and keeps freezing where I have to restart everything.

I had one of the worst headaches / migraines I have had in years. I knew I should have taken something for my head the night before but woke early with a headache and tried to sleep it on for a few more hours. I woke in so much pain I threw up immediately. I started feeling better after a few bouts of kneeling to the porcelain bowl. I got up and showered and played a few games with the girls.

After a nights sleep, I figured I had gotten over it and actually attended church today only to come home and start with the flu.

Not the best two days of my world but glad I got to spend time with my girls, at least most of them.

Hope your past few days have been better than mine.

Here is a post where I tell about my headaches. And another post here.

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