
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Not My Week - Breaking Things

I think this week isn't my week. My car broke down on the way out of town the day after Christmas and the engine fan broke. When I got it to the mechanics, they said it was good that I didn't head out of town as the steel treads were showing on one of my tires. 

I had the tires rotated a month ago so that was a surprise to me. I could have been on the highway far from town when the fan went or the tire blew so I was grateful I drove around town for a few minutes to make sure the car was working ok.
I was grateful for the blessing that the part I needed was at the local wrecking yard. When the mechanic went to put it in, someone had put the wrong part in before and that is why it broke down. They had wired in a different part. 

I was able to get a used  tire for the car as well and Princess Two ran around town getting what was needed and picking it up while I was in bed sick. 

I was putting some change from my wallet in our family "money jar" where we put loose change we use for different things when needed. 

I bent over to put change in it tonight and hit the sconce on the wall and it fell and broke the money jar. I can't understand how the glass candle holder didn't break but the large thick money jar did break. The glass shards went everywhere and were in the coins as well. 

I didn't want anyone getting glass in their hands digging through the coins so I figured I had better sift through it and make sure I didn't leave any glass. I actually got a few shards in my finger when I was sorting them. There was quite the pile after I got finished. There were shards into the bathroom and several feet away as well. 

The sad thing about this was that the jar was probably worth more than the coins in the jar. I have been breaking things lately. I broke the ear off this Mickey Globe I bought for a gift. I also broke a jar I bought for Princess Five the other day. 

It must just be my month for breaking things. I'll have to keep my eye out for another jar to use. I broke another one a few months back that I used for holding bags in the laundry room. 

Not sure what is going on this week but between my car, my health and today, I think I may just stay in bed tomorrow. 

Perhaps the new year will bring in some better luck!

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