
Friday, December 27, 2013

You Spin me Round - Spinning Dice

We started playing a dice game called "Farkle" lately and have had dice out over the last few days. 

Princess Five has been spinning dice for awhile now but until a few days ago none of the rest of us could spin die. 

She showed me a week or so ago but I wasn't very good. Christmas Eve, she showed her sisters how to spin dice. 

Princess Three got it down quickly and leaves her die on the table to make it spin. Princess Four kinda lifts hers in the air as she spins it and it leaps a bit before landing on the table. 

For about 20 minutes, the girls were all spinning dice on the table and they were flying back and fourth and the girls were giggling and they were trying to see how many dice they could get spinning at a time. 

We had four going at one point. It was fun.

To get the dice to spin, you put your middle or pointer finger on the back of the die while it is resting on one corner and place the thumb of the other hand on the front corner. 

Pull the thumb back towards the arm and and pull the middle finger from the other hand towards that arm and this spins the die on its corner and it can last anywhere from a few seconds to about 45 seconds. 

It took Princess four a few minutes to figure it out and when she finally figured it out, she was so excited about it that she pointed both fingers at it to show everyone.

It was really cute. I hurried and took a picture and with the flash on, it captured the die almost still so it looks like she is pointing at a die that is standing on one corner. 

You would be surprised at how much fun your family can have just spinning dice. Give it a try. I am sure we could make a fun game out of it with a little thought.

"You spin me right round, baby right round" would be a good song to play while you spin! 

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