
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gift Bags for Princess Fives First Dance Competition

Having had five daughters on Dance Teams in the past, I have learned a few things about what girls like.

Of course, every girl is different but for the most part, girls are girls and boys are boys. They all like similar things overall. Since Princess Four is a senior this year, before they go to each drill competition, one senior will get a gift for the team wishing them luck.

Princess Four offered to do the first gift. I had collected a few things knowing this day would be coming. I watched for good deals at local stores on clearance items and had a few sets of gloves left from when Princess Three did her team gift.

Here is a post where I showed how I got the gum on clearance. I found the fingernail files, soap, manicure kits and some of the shoelaces on clearance for $.50 - $1 each as well. I did have to go to the dollar store and purchase a few more of some items as they didn't have enough at Walmart but at least some of the items were cheaper.

I continued to keep my eyes open and I found a great deal on the watches. Someone donated a case of new black and a case of white slap wrist watches to a second hand store and the batteries were all dead. I had a few cards of the batteries needed as they are the standard 377 watch battery. I went to three stores around town looking for the batteries to replace mine and they were $3.50 each. I was glad I had just enough to put in the watches for the girls. I will have to keep my eyes open to replace mine when they are on sale somewhere.

I was grateful that the dollar store had face wipes as the girls like them to clean the make-up off their faces once they are through dancing. . The other candy I purchased after Halloween for an OK discount. Not as much as I would have liked but I knew this was coming so I got several different bags for variety.

The girls all like lip gloss or chap stick and I have done both. Princess Five said socks are always needed and she actually needed hers that day so was grateful they were in the bags.

I could have used any of the items to make the tag but the girls were excited about the face wipes and watches so we used those for the tag theme.

I spent an evening putting them together in the bags and tying them off. The girls kept coming in and checking on them. It was cute.

Today after school, Princess Five came in and said, "The girls loved the gift bags and I saw some wearing the shoe laces. Two were wearing their gloves all day, M**** went home last night and gave her family manicures, including her dad with the kit."

After the bus ride home, Princess Four had similar comments. I asked her if that made her feel good? She said it did. I am glad she was able to feel good about the gift bags she gave to the team and I am GRATEFUL that Heavenly Father provides me with every thing I need and want, blessing me daily in my life. If I had to pay full price for all the items in the bags, I wouldn't have been able to do it. HE allows me so many blessing for myself and the girls.

I am truly grateful to HIM for all He gives me. Each week there are new things that are like "gift bags" from Heaven to me. Just this week, my furnace went out..... I'll share that with you another day. Just know, He blesses me daily and I am grateful to be so blessed.

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