
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Princess Five's First Competition - The Dancing Princesses

Another first this week. Princess Five went to her first dance competition as a member of the High School team. She was SO excited to be going. She told me how she would always watch the teams down on the floor after the dancing while they waited for the results dancing and goofing around and she couldn't wait to participate.

It was a rough day for the team as I haven't ever seen them have such a hard time getting together. The girls kept their heads up but I think there is much going on in the world of the dance instructor as she has a wedding this week, nutcracker performances, dancing at Christmas tree lane and regular school and dance classes. She doesn't have an assistant and tends to take everything on herself which doesn't leave lots of time for the girls this time of the year. 

It was the first time in all five of my girls dancing experiences that they didn't place in one event. I feel like the other teams deserved their placements but my heart broke for the team.

Princess Five being a freshman, was only in the Hip-Hop dance. You can see her flexability and long hair in this photo of her doing a back bend.

Both girls did well in the drill down but this competition has my least favorite caller. Every year she messes up on her calls and confuses the girls and for the first time ever, they tried to drill down EVERY school size classification at the same time.

It was crazy and with all the mistakes, the girls would look around and Princess Four got to the top few and the woman messed up and she made the smallest of movements but being in bright blue when most were in black around her made her stand out and she was touched out of the competiton.

On a brighter note, I won a headband prize from one of the vendors for my quick guess of "Gilligans Island Theme Music" for name that tune during one of the breaks.

I guess all the years of playing "Name that tune" in the car with my mother paid off as I won that exact same song at last years competition. Here is a post about that win. 

On another break, he played "the Charlie Brown Theme" and I yelled it out but yelled out "Snoopy Song" and someone to my left yelled out the "Charlie Brown Theme" at the same time.

Princess Five walks over at that point with a prize. She was the winner with that song. I guess us playing "name that tune" in the car when she was young paid off for her as well.

Throughout the day, there were many prizes but there were only four or five girly prizes given. Most prizes were mens hats, knife sharpening stones, shirts, etc. Most years they have gift cards and things but this year, they had not one gift card.

Of the four girls prizes, one was a little purse type thing, two were leggins and one was the head band.

We won two of the four girl prizes and out of the 25 or so prizes for the day, we got the only two things my girls would have used.

Princess Four was so excited to go out and exchange the leggins for the style and size she wanted. The head band person said we could trade in the blue and white head band for one of the girls choice. I let Princess Four choose it since Princess Five already won something.

By the time I got it to Princess Four with the information, guess what vender was the only one left still there? YEP they stayed until she could get out there and pick which head band she wanted. She chose a white lace one that I think looks adorable on her.

Another blessing for the day was that I was able to catch a ride there and back as it snowed most of the day and as you know from my post the other day, my car doesn't do well in the snow. It was nice to be able to ride both ways with friends and neighbors. My ride there is one of my bunko friends I've known for years and I enjoyed our visit. On the way home, my nieces new in-laws drove me and they have a house three away from mine so I was in good hands. And, I saved myself some gas money.

The girls had fun with their friends and each other dancing away after the competition and winning prizes and getting to dance which is something they always enjoy.

You can see by Princess Fives expression and "Hip" hop moves, that she enjoyed her time on the floor.

You can see by the smiles of her trying on her new leggings, that she was happy with her big win. Princess Four looks beautiful as usual, in her head band.

I am in awe of the ugly leggins that are now popular again that used to be around in the 80's. The girls still fight over my paint pants that are just about, if not more ugly than the leggins Princess Five won. To me, they all look like 80's thermal underwear or long john pj's.

Obviously, I am not the one to ask about fashion but I think there are only a hand full of people that look good in skin tight pants with small prints on them and I am not one of those few people so I wonder what they will come up for those of us who aren't quite so petite to wear? ;-)

Sad for Princess Five that her first drill competition wasn't the best for the team but I am happy that she made it fun and that her big sister was so wonderful to make it a great memory for her.

She packed her real shoes in her bag that was on the bus before she realized she only had dance shoes. Her older sister, Princess Four, carried her piggy-back all the way from the school to the bus in the snow. If that isn't love, I don't know what is!

Princess Fours only comment on the act of service.... "I kept thinking to myself that I am grateful I didn't have to do it like the pioneers did for hours day after day."  I figure I have some really amazing daughters. I am glad we don't have to walk in the elements like the pioneers did either and I am grateful my girls can still see the good in a rough day!

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