
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Catching Fire -Best Show in Years

If you remember my post about reading "The Hunger Games" series, you will know that I LOVED the books. 

Here is a link to my blog post about the books. 

When the first movie came out, we were so excited to see it. It was the first time in my life I had gone to a midnight premiere of a movie. My girls were so excited they couldn't wait. 

I HATED the first movie. I don't know who directed it but it was so jumpy and the camera skipped around and they never left the camera on the actor long enough to get the feelings. The special effects were horrible and I kept being pulled out of the "story" with the bad effects and jumping cameras. I posted about our midnight show. Here is a link to my post about that.

When Princess Five found out "Catching Fire" the second book was coming out in movie, she wanted to attend the midnight showing but our theater didn't have one. They had an early showing but we had commitments that night. I purchased tickets for the first viewing we could which was the opening night, fist showing, rather than the premiere night. 

It was cold the day of the opening and we decided to start a fire, it wasn't until we started it and flames were shooting out that I realized in a few hours we were attending "Catching Fire" so I took a picture of our first fire of the season just before we headed over to the theater. 

I have to say that I was a bit unsure about the movie as I didn't know if the director or producer were the same but WISHED that the camera wouldn't jump about making it hard to enjoy the story. 

FABULOUS! WONDERFUL! EXCITING! were all words that came to my mind after seeing the movie. I actually jumped in my seat and made a noise at one point I was so interested in it and I was startled by what was on the screen. People around us were laughing and jumping along with us. 

At the end of the show, the theater burst into clapping and cheers! EVERYONE loved it. My girls were so excited they want to start reading the series over and don't want to wait for the next one to come out. 

The special effects were 100 times better. The dress actually looked like it was on fire and like it was smouldering. VERY much improved on the first. Princess Five said she wished they would remake the first one now! 

I highly suggest you read the books before going to the shows as they seem dark but read my post on the books and I will share the ending of book three and explain what the books are about. 

"May the odds be ever in your favor!" 

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