
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cute Party Idea Swedish Fish and Goldfish Snacks

Since it is Thanksgiving week and you may have lots of company over and may be leaving lots of snacks out on the table, I thought I would share this cute idea I came up with the other day. A friend of mine gave me these two "fish bowl" looking bowls with some colorful decorations in them. 

Since you know how I am about decorating for holidays, you can guess how long they lasted on my counter. :-) 

I was planning on donating the bowls to a local second hand store when Princess Four was having a date night with lots of her friends and their dates coming over to watch a video after a dance. 

I was getting snacks out for the group and had these two bowls on the counter and thought they looked like fish bowls and I was serving of all things.... 


So, I poured our Pepperidge farm goldfish into the bowl and then was pouring in the Swedish fish when I had the thought that if I used some clear cellophane crumbled in the bottom, it would hold the fish in different places and it would look like the fish were swimming around the bowl. Even a light blue or green Easter cellophane would work. 

I thought it was a cute idea. I kept the bowls for that reason as the kids are always having friends over and for some reason, goldfish are one of their favorite snacks.

May be a short post but since we are having family for the holiday, I don't want to have to post over the holiday. Thanks for understanding. Have a wonderful week. 

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