
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Good and Bad News for Mom

Today's news is that my mother has Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia or ALL. That is bad news but in a good way, it is slower acting in adults and they don't treat it unless it is acute. 

They are also testing her for Celiacs disease. This is a gluten related problem where the stomach celia get destroyed by antibiotics, yeast, parasites etc and can't digest the wheat and other grain gluten which then get into the blood stream undigested and since the protiens look similar to the thyroid cells, the body produces antibodies which then attack both cells. This is part of what is going on with my thyroid. It causes anemia... Thus, I am tired and have anemia and the iron I am taking orally isn't getting absorbed.

There is no "Cure" for Celiac on the medical books but they advise staying away from gluten products. Many also have a problem digesting dairy proteins as well. This makes it hard for people to find things to eat as most things have either flour or dairy in them.

When doing a internet search on the correlation between Celiac and Leukemia and thyroid disease, there are thousands of posts about correlations. Within 30 seconds, I found this site that has lots of posts about the links between the three.

She is going to have more testing tomorrow.....It is a blessing she is getting good treatment and I pray they find out everything before she goes home.

Keep on praying....

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