
Monday, September 30, 2013

Pray for My Mom

I went to visit my mother this weekend and will post about what I was going to do at her house later. I was working with her at her assisted living apartment when she overreacted to something going on.

I had called my brother this week asking if he knew of any Doctors in the area I could take her to as I knew she was tired and not feeling well. He didn't but gave me the name of his sister-in-law who was a Nurse Practitioner for a name in that area. 

I then tried to call her old Dr that she went to for years but hadn't been to recently and they never returned my call.

I felt really strongly that I needed to take her to the hospital. She REALLY didn't want to go and I had to quickly shower her and get her ready to go. 

Over the past few months, she has started to stutter with her jaw shaking almost like a Parkinson's shake. If she exhausts herself or is stressed, she begins stuttering even worse. She is so tired that she only gets up to go to the bathroom and to go down to the dining room for dinner. 

The few times she has attended something in the past few weeks, she can barely make it to the event dragging herself around.

I myself have been really tired and not feeling well with the anemia so I really understood where she was coming from being so tired. 

Once into the ER, we talked about all the symptoms she has had going on in the past few months and when the blood work came back, they told me her iron was so low they were going to give her two units of blood and admit her to the hospital.

They also found high white blood counts so they started running tests to find out why they are so high. They are hoping for an easy cause such as a urinary tract infection but after more extensive tests, they found some abnormal white cells so they have brought in an oncologist for that as well as some other specialists.

They are running sleep studies as she has some lung damage and are wondering if it is from apnea. They are doing upper and lower GI studies hoping to find the cause of the anemia in an ulcer bleed or something. 

My mother has gained a ton of weight this past year as well and only eats one big meal a day so they are running some thyroid tests as well. 

I know God had a hand in all of these things as I was supposed to go up last weekend but got sick. I postponed until this weekend and during that week, I got my thyroid tests back which show some problems. If I hadn't had this week to get those results, I wouldn't have been able to point them in that direction as well. They say that what I have is hereditary and my TSH was normal. They take that test first and only do the others if that is abnormal. 

I insisted on the other tests and with them, found the problem. Because of that, I was able to share with them about the problem and they can try to figure that out as well. I have gained significant weight in the past year and a half and kept trying to tell them something was "off" but the tests they ran weren't coming back with anything. 

I will post the entire thing another day explaining the chain of events they think are related to the problem but in the interim, please pray for my mother and for her Doctors that they may find the cause of her health issues quickly and that His will be done for my mother's health. I have felt like I needed to get her history things done and am trying to do that the best I can with all the other things I have going on in my life. Perhaps they can figure out what is going on with my mother and it will help me know what is going on with my life as well. I would sure love to feel better and have more energy!

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