
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mom's Hospital Visit Drags On

My mom actually has CLL which is the slow growing leukemia, not the Acute which is the fast growing. I was half asleep when I got the call on the diagnosis. My sister has been such a trooper going to the hospital daily and getting all the information the Dr's give. I had to be home for kids and other commitments. My mom has had so many different doctors involved that it is something to keep them all straight.

They did the upper and lower GI's today. They didn't find much but did take a test for Celiac disease which will take and will take a few days to get the results. Since those tests, she hasn't been able to keep her oxygen levels up and just after ten when my sister went home, they decided to send her down for an x-ray to see if she aspirated something during the tests as that would explain her low oxygen levels.

They were going to send her home tonight but the low oxygen levels have kept her there until tomorrow at least.

Thanks for all the prayers. Perhaps there is something else they will find with the x-rays. They still haven't figured out why she is anemic in the first place so keep up the prayers praying that they can find out all that is wrong with her.

It would be such a blessing to have her feeling better.

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