
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Princess Two Moves In and Out

Princess two moved in this week and she also moved out this week. I took a day this week and went to an event for my mother and it happened to be in the city where Princess two moved. I invited Princess Two to the event with me and then we went to unload a car full of stuff that I brought up as she moved up a few days earlier and brought a carload up herself. 

She had been looking in the classified ads and went to look at several places an I spent a day looking at apartments with her a few weeks ago. 

We didn't really like any of the apartments and I kept telling her she would do better renting a room in a house so she started searching again and found this place. 

I wish I had taken a picture of the yard. The front and back are immaculate and the owners live in the basement apartment so they are there to work on things needing fixing. It is a three bedroom and has a large kitchen, dining and family rooms and there are two bathrooms for the three girls and they share one large fridge and a smaller one as well. 

She is VERY happy with it and when she saw the red carpet she decided that it was the place for her. You can see that the bedroom is very large and I should have taken a picture of the closet as it is very large as well. 

I asked her if I could organize and rearrange or decorate it with her and she told me that she wanted to give herself something to do for the rest of the week as she doesn't start her new job until Monday so I left her with a bit of a mess but she is already making friends with her roommate and there is an opening and she is hoping to get a friend in there in August so that would be fun. 

We are happy she has found a place she can call home. She laughed about it being on a dead end street as all of our homes have been on dead end streets since she was born. I hadn't really thought about that much but it is funny.
As she was walking me out to my car, I was going to get in and she looked down and you won't believe me when I tell you there was a penny. She laughed and picked it up (it was hot) and she threw it onto my car.

I told her to take it and start her own money jar and she told me it was for me. I told her it was for her but I think it was for both of us. We trusted God and He sent her to a home where she could feel safe and comfortable at a reasonable price with "parents" downstairs if she needs anything. 

I am so grateful that He watches out for us. She got offered two jobs at the same place. She got three interviews and canceled the last one as she had already interviewed for the other two and got offered them both. She was hoping she could do the one in the morning and one in the afternoon and do both part time jobs but they don't want to have to pay insurance etc. The second one was $3 more an hour than the first and the first was in the basement and the one she took is on the main floor looking out a window while she works. So, she did get the better job and is excited to be moving on in her life. 

I do miss her but am so grateful she is moving on. I need to get Princess Four driving so I can not have to drive them everywhere now that Princess Two is gone.

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