
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hot Air Balloon Kinda Morning

 We had company from out of town again and my friend knew some people who were friends with her boss that said they could get her son a ride in a hot air balloon.

She said they may be able to get Princess Five a ride as well so we got up at O'dark thirty and drove the long distance to get her son on a balloon but there was a "misunderstanding" about the amount of people and the people were kind enough to find someone to give her son a ride and so Princess five didn't get to ride. 

I was upset by the amount of gas consumed, having to get up and drive at such an early hour and a few other things but I have to say that it was a thing of beauty and art watching those skilled pilots maneuver those balloons through the sky and catching different currents and wind patterns and to not collide into each other.

It really is beautiful and her son was actually shaking when he got into the balloon. It didn't take him long to calm down and enjoy the ride. It was nice for him to have that opportunity.

There was one trailer that has "Smoky Bear," This gremlin and a frog. I think they get the forest service to pay for the balloon and they get to fly it for advertising. They had an amazing trailer with a watching window in the back that opens and we were following it and were a bit taken back when it opened and a woman was staring at us. 

Due to my recent trip to the Czech Republic, I thought the name of this balloon group was cute. I actually bought shirts for the girls on my trip that say that exact thing. "Prague, Czech it out."

You can see Princess is smiling in the picture and it was fun to get to see them fill the balloons and put the burners on and using fans to fill the balloons. 

I laughed out loud when I read the title of this crews unit. "aera Diablo" which I think means, "Air Hell" if I am reading it right. I would hope that doesn't mean fire in the air.
Well, sit-itus is happening again. I drove out of town and was there gft anxxccccccccccccccd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Oops, I did it again. I can't p;ass te.  OK, I cadddd I give up, If you can beat them, 

 I am off to bed. :-)

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