
Friday, June 28, 2013

Princess Four is Driving - Me Crazy

It is official.... Princess Four has finally decided to take her driving test and get her permit. 

She often joked her sisters that she was going to be the youngest in the family to get her license as her sisters waited until going to college to get their license and Princess 3 waited until she was almost seventeen. We had to renew her permit and pay another fee. 

Princess four just skipped all that and took drivers education and then did nothing with it. She wanted to have her license the week she turned sixteen but that came and went months ago and last week she finally went to get her permit. 

I went to pick her up from a political camp she attended and told her she was driving home She wasn't sure about that and I wasn't sure about it as she stopped at a stop sign, didn't look either way and just took off through the sign. 

She was so funny as I would tell her to stay in the lines and she refused to do that so I was white knuckled most of the two hours home. We talked about it later and she is a strong person and doesn't like anyone to tell her what to do. We started talking about her parents and grandparents and realized that several of her grandparents hate to be told what to do including by instructions. 

One of her grandfathers was putting up a swing set and he refused to look at the instructions and used the wrong parts etc and ended up slicing his hand while putting it up. Another grandfather was helping put in a lock and I suggested he read the instructions and he ended up getting upset and leaving it undone for me to do "my way" which was reading the instructions. :-) 

So, we talked about how sometimes it is a good thing for others to tell us what to do especially if they have experience in that area. Or, to read instructions as they can help make the project understandable. 

Princess didn't want to read the manual and over and over I told her to read it. But, she kept saying it was boring and put her to sleep. Now, I realize she just has some of the same issues as her family and extended family have about reading the "instructions" and being told what to do by someone or something. 

She worked on that issue using the tapping mentioned on my home pages (click here to see that link) and is doing great. She will be driving us all around in no time. Lets hope she continues to be ok with the laws of the land telling her what to do and then I won't be driven crazy. :-) 

Actually, she is a great driver but it was insightful for us to look at that whole thing. I am proud of her that she is willing to look at ways to improve. All the girls are really insightful and willing to look at their own issues. I am so blessed to have amazing girls.

1 comment:

  1. My mom taught me to drive in a parking lot. I had to stay between the lines before being allowed to drive on the road. Once I was on the road we just went through residential neighborhoods so I had to go slow and look for dangers. Once I had that down we tried the highway but I had to stay in the slow lane until she was satisfied that I wouldn't kill anyone.

    I don't like being told what to do either but lives are at stake so there is no choice.
