
Thursday, May 2, 2013

You Win Some and You Lose Some

It was kind of a hard day today. Princess four ran for Dance Team president and lost and Princess five ran for class senator and lost. However, this week was good as they both tried out for dance team and made it.

Princes five used the posters made by Princess Four for her campaign and just put her name in the "name" spot. The competition was tough and she as ok with it as she will be busy with dance and honors classes. 

She was hoping to get to work with her sister who will be working with all the senators from each grade but we reminded her that most of her sisters ran for an office coming into high school and lost. 

She was ok with it and I thought the black eye made it all the more funny that she lost. She looked like she had been beaten up.
Both girls tried out for the dance team. Princess four wasn't sure as she was thinking she may be overwhelmed with her responsibilities next year but decided it would be fun to be on the team with her younger sister. She will be the only girl to be on the team with two sisters. 

Before they tried out, I gave them each a card with some charms for their charm bracelets. Click here to see part one about that. Click here to see post two about that. I gave them some treats to share with their friends as well. 

Princess Five is the first girl to try out with friends. The other girls took dance out of town so weren't really friends with any of the girls on the team. Princess five took dance locally and three of her friends made it and two neighbor in the grade above her made it. I am hoping that with that many friends on the team, things will be a little less dramatic. When you get that many girls together, there is usually drama. For the most part, my girls stay out of it which I am very grateful for. 

We are excited for the next year with all the friends and sisters together. It should be a fun year. The picture at the top shows them going to the school the night of tryouts and seeing their name on the "team" list. 

They all met at Wingers for dinner and then the outgoing seniors usually "kidnap" them and they have a sleep over. However, this year, they didn't want to have the responsibility of driving them so they called and asked me to pack up their stuff and meet them at "Home Depot" with sleeping bags, clothes etc. 

I ended up driving them to a neighboring city for the sleep over. They enjoyed that and were VERY tired and grumpy the next day after school having not gotten much sleep as they played games and got to know each other. 

It is happy and sad. My baby is in high school and an other will be in her last year of high school. They will have a very busy year with all that they are doing but I bet it will be one they won't ever forget! 

I am so grateful that they have the confidence to try for things and even if they don't make it, they have won just for trying. And often times, they do make it and have a wonderful experience. Sometimes just running, is an experience. 

I LOVE you Princesses and am SO PROUD of you and all you do. You are a blessing in my life!

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