
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Human Barometer - Ear Piercing - 111

Each of my princesses have to wait until they are 14 to get their ears pierced. I think it is a good time and have posted about that before when Princess Three and Four went to get their ears pierced. They don't have to get them pierced and actually, Princess Four is the first that ever got her ears pierced at age 14 as all the rest waited until they were older not wanting to deal with the whole earring thing. Here is the post where I explain it.

Princess Two went to the mall at college and got her ears pierced on her own about two years ago after her sisters did theirs. So, it was my baby Princesses turn. She is going to go to a church camp next week and wanted them done before she went. I was good with that so we went down before our game and had them done. I wanted to give her as close to a week with them as I could before she left for the week on her own in case there was any problem with them. 

She was cute as she thanked me over and over for paying and taking her to get her ears pierced. She has started collecting cute earrings and I had the girls all pick a few pair from my old stash when I first got my ears pierced. I had bags of potato chips, Vegemite from New Zealand, Carrots, and all sorts of novelty earrings from the 80's. They each took turns until they were all gone. I made sure that Princess Five got as many as her sisters so they could all enjoy them. 

She is so excited to be able to wear something other than the studs that she chose. Right now, as I type this, she is putting alcohol on her ears. She said they aren't hurting her at all so that is good. With her ears pierced, another new era has begun in our home. With each new thing Princess Five does, I am closer to the "empty nest" and that is a bitter sweet thing. I love to see them grow but when they are gone, it will be weird not having so much to do to keep up with them.

I also wanted to post about the 111's in my life the past few weeks and was excited that my blog has over 100,000 views. It has only taken three years to get to that mark but in the end, I am not doing it for views, I am doing it for my family. Just this week the girls were talking about how they like that they can just type in one of their favorite dishes and see the pictures and recipe online and make it. 

My youtube account also had 11,100 views this past month. I keep seeing 111 or 1111 everywhere. Just today, I saw it twice but will post about that next week perhaps. 

If I help someone in the process of journaling for my family, so the better. I have had to reference it a few times myself if I forget something I have done to change up a recipe, it is nice to be able to go back and see what I did to make it better. 

There have been lots of storms lately and my head has been letting me know. I had nose surgery after a boating accident and ever since then when there is a pressure change, I can tell. I always know 24 hours or so before it rains and there is a pressure storm. When I was working in the ER, the days I would have a headache, we would always have a few people come in for "Migraine" shots. I would often ask them if they had noticed a correlation between the weather and the headaches. Mine get so bad I "lose my cookies" and if I don't take something early enough, that is a for sure. For the most part now, I catch them and take some Tylenol, Psudaphed and drink a 20 oz Coke. For some reason, that combination drains them and I am ok. However, there are days like this day last week where I took all that and then took ibuprofen as well and ended up not feeling any better. It just depends on how high the pressure is in the storm. 

The other trigger for me is driving or flying through different altitudes where my sinus can't regulate the change. Peru was horrible for me going up thousands of feet and then back down in a few hours of time while on windy dirt roads on diesel smelling buses where the fumes get to you anyway. I had to actually have the bus pull over before while the entire bus got to watch me relieve myself of the three liters of coke I drank trying to calm it down when the medicine didn't work. 

Best bet for me, take the pills at the first sign of a pressure change. Now, I just drink Coke before driving up the mountains and that usually helps. It is hard if I wake up with a headache as I am trying to play "catch up" all day. 

At least I will always know when to take an umbrella! See, there is always a bright side to every situation! :-)

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