
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy 14th Birthday SURPRISE for Princess Five

Since Princess Five has her birthday in the summer and has had to go for visitations over her birthday most years, and, her friends are often gone if she is here, she hasn't had very many birthday parties. 

She has probably had less than half the amount of parties her older sisters had. I used to throw one each year for the girls when they were younger. Princess five said she would like a party this year. 

I tried to talk her out of it by suggesting that the trip out of town shopping with her friends could count  and I would pay for the gas. She said she would rather have a party (this was before we went out of town with her friends.) So, I thought I had better do it right. I asked her if I threw her a party, who she would want to invite. She wrote it down. 

So, with a list in my hand, I called all her friends inviting them to a surprise party for the last day of school and thought it would be fun to have a sleep over as well. 

I contacted one of the other moms and asked if she could have Princess Five over after school got out for a few hours so we could decorate and have her friends over and then I could pick Princess Five up and get some food and we could go to the house and have everyone already there. 

She said her daughter wanted a party for her friends the last day anyway so she suggested she invite all the girls over to the house and when I picked up Princess Five, she would then take the girls to my house before we arrived. 

I finally got the indoor yard sale out of the house (for which I am VERY grateful) and we got the house all clean for Prince and Princess one to come visit and I got Princess Three to come home from college for the weekend since most girls weren't here for Mothers Day weekend, I asked that we have a weekend together. I wanted Princess five to have everyone home for her birthday for a change. 

This year, Princess four will be gone to Thailand over her birthday and her sisters will have work so if she wanted to have anyone besides me at the party, we needed to have it early.

In the picture you can see I bought some of the window gels one said, "Happy Birthday" and the other said "Princess" and then some little ferries as well. I thought it was cute having it on the window and some on the mirrors in the house. 

We had streamers, hats, noise makers and tiaras for every girl. I had Disney princess plates, cups and napkins and then we matched the cake and her hat. She had four hats to choose from but in one picture she is wearing one of the Pink Zebra hats I had for everyone but then she changed to the tiara for the Birthday girl. 

I am not sure what she is doing in this picture but she looked cute doing it so I snapped the photo. 

Somehow, I missed the opening of the presents and also didn't take photos of eating the cake and ice cream but we finished off five pizzas in the mix. 

I rented two shows they wanted and when I went down later after visiting with the other Princesses and Prince, there were three girls sleeping on one couch! None brought pillows or blankets and they didn't have a blanket or were just using our TV watching stash of pillows and blankets. I am not sure why they didn't bring sleeping stuff but we ended up putting down blankets and getting the three off the couch. I still don't think they slept well but after hanging out most of the day together, they were tired.  
I bought several types of magnetic photo frames on clearance and I took a picture of Princess five with each girl at the party and we went to Walmart that night when we got the movie rentals and printed out the pictures of the girls together and each got to pick out a frame and we put the picture of them in it. I thought that was a cute party favor and the girls liked that they got to choose which frame they wanted. 

The next morning, they all slept in. Prince one never sleeps in as he always has early classes and work etc, his clock is on auto pilot so he got up and read. This is what I found the next morning. I made crepes with real cream and berries, bananas and peach sauce for breakfast (I'll post about those this week) and the girls started trickling home. 

It wasn't until I posted this that I realized I didn't get a picture of the entire group together other than the surprise part but no posed pictures with them all with Princess Five. Three girls had to go home after having a late night for various reasons so only some girls slept over but I know they all had fun. 

We had a WONDERFUL weekend and I may post about that later but Princess Five enjoyed her birthday and I enjoyed having all my Princesses home for the weekend. It doesn't often happen anymore but I just enjoy it when it does. 

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