
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Top Ten Shows for Tejae

In the past 4 months, I have probably watched more TV than I have in 11 years all together if not longer. I never watched TV before. I would watch movies with the girls on a weekend or something but I am not a big TV person and when people talk about current shows, I am still very lost. 

When Princess 1 came home sick and I started making all those hand print quilts (see post one about that here but if you want to see them all, search "hand print quilt" in the bottom search to see all the post about how I made them.) and while we quilted, we watched "Monk" as some friends had the seasons in boxed sets. 

We loved "Monk" and wished that it hadn't ended. Then Princess 1 moved out and the crazy year of wedding, graduation, missions happened and we didn't watch much. 

Skip ahead to Princess 2 coming home sick. I have watched more shows. It seems that everyone has a favorite they are willing to share. Princess didn't feel well so I made sure she had lots of option of what to watch. You can rent seasons from rentals stores, some libraries have them for rent and lots of friends and family have them if you aren't in an area where you can get something like "netflix" or "Hoolu". Our best bet has been second hand stores. We purchase the season, watch it and then sell it for what we paid for it. I do the same with audio books on cd. I always make my money back and enjoy listening while I drive and cook.

I have to say I am a redbox fan. We have enjoyed it for years and can't beat the price. I haven't watched all the seasons of most of these shows but the seasons I have watched of these top ten, (actually 11 because there was a tie on number ten) I really enjoyed. 

Princess 2 got me watching "Bones" as she had most of the seasons. I loved the connection between the two main characters. Didn't like it as much as the years progressed but hoping to see that last few seasons at some point. 

White Collar - Was one of my favorites. It is probably because the main man is so beautiful to look at and I love in the first episode or two when he has to find a place to live and he ends up in a pent house apartment for free. The FBI agent said something like, "It isn't fair. you are supposed to work hard for what you get. You didn't do anything to earn this. It isn't right." and the main character just has a belief that everything will work out for his best interest all the time and it usually did. I think most of us believe that if someone gets something for nothing, it isn't fair but why not expect wonderful things? 

Sherlock - I enjoy the mind puzzles, trying to figure out how things went. I usually ruin shows for my children seeing the end from the beginning and they hate watching shows with me but I was actually thinking for some of those episodes.

Merlin - GREAT acting. I am so impressed with the acting I saw in that show. Most times there is one or two actors in a show that I am not sure I believe. No matter what was thrown into the script, no matter how weird, I believed it. Very impressed with the sets, costumes and acting. Hard to pull off all three. 

Lie to me - VERY informative. Loved the first episodes where they explain the micro expressions and body language. Wish they would get more into that part of it. I felt that as it went on, it got a bit more angry and reaching for plots. 

Psych - Saw most of these on tv over length of time with the kids on Saturday evenings on ION. Loved it at first but as it went, it became almost the same episodes as monk as if they writers were the same or they stole ideas from that series. Also the love interest thing got a bit graphic for my kids. I would stick to the early years with this one.

Numbers - Very good at the beginning. I think it got a bit weird with people leaving and coming back and leaving and coming back. Characters would leave for three shows and be on a "walk about." Then come back for a few, then go into outer space, the come back, then live at a monastery, then come back. Got weirder the longer it went. Don't think I care to see any more if it is even still going....  Liked learning about patterns and I wish the stories didn't have to get so weird and the love triangles etc. Too much, I think they could have left it alone and the patterns could have carried it without all the weirdness.

Touch - When I saw the first episode, I loved it. Several of my princesses have worked with my dear friends son "Jake" over the years. He is so sweet and autistic and the show reminded me so much of him. The little boy in the shows name is "Jake" and I LOVE the way that the shows interconnect and things all come together in the end showing that we are all connected. I hope they make more. I don't check on that type of thing but would love to see more.

 Kyle XY and Rosewell - They are so similar in story line that I put them together for number ten. They are about teens trying to figure out where they fit but in one, he is genetically engineered and is a bit "alien" as he can do things humans can't do, due to his origin. In Roswell, four children are found wondering in the desert and are adopted. They hatched out of pods and are alien / human hybrids and have special powers similar to Kyle XY's powers. They have such similar story lines as teen sexuality etc. Perhaps they really shouldn't be on my top ten but they did keep me entertained while I knit about 80 scarves for this fund raiser over the past few months. 

I would suggest that you don't start watching unless you want to see them all. I kept wanting something to resolve but I guess Kyle XY was stopped between seasons so there is no resolution and Roswell didn't resolve well either. They end up wandering about never having contact with "Home" where they were supposed to go back and rule as they were royalty etc. Actually, I wouldn't suggest watching either of those now that I am putting it down on paper. Much better things to do with your time. Also, I wouldn't let kids watch those either. They started out ok but I think they thought they had better put some sex in to keep people watching. I had to skip through some parts.

I did like the acting in both however and one of the aliens from Roswell is in "Bones" as a brother. Also Catherine Heigl was an alien as well.  I thought they all did well at their parts as weird as it got.  Tomorrow, some shows my kids like, some that just make us laugh, and some that make us cry.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Numbers, Once Upon a Time (it's not over yet is it? I haven't seen all of the episodes because Net flix doesn't have more than 2 seasons - I did find several on the network online but it skips a bunch), Switched at Birth because I know and love sign language, it's fun to brush up and learn more. I didn't finish Psyche, it got boring after a while. LOVE Merlin, I can't find any more episodes (Net Flix only has up to season 3) and Monk.

    Have you watched Eureka? That's a good one.
