
Friday, March 15, 2013

Top Ten Shows for the Princesses

I haven't seen many of these shows for more than one or two episodes but my girls have seen most of them.I figured I would share what the kids like so that you can suggest them to your kids. 

Once upon a time - This was one of the favorites of all the girls. I only saw the last episode twice I think but they raved about it and they all watched the entire series.

Drop Dead Diva - I did watch this one with Princess number 2. It is a bit unbelievable but I enjoyed the main character and her spunk. She is believable as a woman who is beautiful and dies to come back into a large, more average but smart lawyer. It isn't my favorite but Princess 2 enjoyed it. 

Switched at birth. - I watched a few of these episodes with Princess two while she was recovering. I didn't hate it or love it but had a hard time following it because there are scenes that are only in in sign language that you have to read sub titles. It is about two girls born in the same hospital in the day day and were accidentally switched at birth. One is poor and the other wealthy. It is a play on the prince and the pauper. The poor one goes deaf from an illness at a young age. I didn't watch the entire thing but enough that I didn't continue to watch as it seemed to continue to have the same story line over and over. I think part of the problem may be that I was knitting and I couldn't enjoy the show and knit as I had to read the subtitles throughout. 

Jane by Design - I have only seen a few parts of this but Princess 2 and five really enjoyed this one. It is about a high school girl who somehow ended up working at a Clothing design firm. She doesn't have a mom at home for some reason and her brother is only around sometimes so she works, and has school and takes care of the house. It kinda sounds like a nightmare childhood to me but I think the girls like that it has to do with clothes. Both those princesses like clothes so I think that is why.

Cake Boss - The girls enjoy this one. It is about a baker who does extreme designer cakes like fire trucks that actually smoke out the top.

Tin Man - It is not actually a series but a mini series. It is a "Wizard of Oz" type show but with an interesting twist. I did watch this one in a three part series but they were long episodes. I thought it was really creative and there were only a few parts where it lost me. If you have ever watched the new "Alice" it is similar to that. 

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy - There are a million episodes of this and we have watched about 6. The girls laugh as the guys are so funny and we would put it on if we had a minute but the more we have watched, the less I like it. They make references to sexual behavior in most episodes and I have decided we are going to stop watching it. The girls enjoyed it, I enjoyed it as we saw them make some profound changes in some peoples lives but it isn't worth the smut in among the rest. 

Psych - I asked what shows Princess 4 liked best. She is so busy that she hasn't watched anything with us in a very long time. She said Psych was probably in the top two. I think she has only seen the early years so I don't know how she would like it towards the end. 

Hoarders - We have watched this a few times over the years at my sisters. It isn't my favorite but sometimes I can't help myself watching it while visiting her as she doesn't have tv. Online is the only way to watch anything.
My mother collected costumes to the extent that her house was a trail. She rented them out and so I am fascinated with the reasons behind hoarding. I think that sometimes I collect more craft things than I could probably use in ten years but if I want to make something, I am really glad I have stuff. I think there is a good middle zone between hoarding and being prepared. I try to walk that line. 

Say "Yes" to the dress - The girls have watched this a few times. I think this is one of the most stupid shows I have ever seen. The girls like it but I don't get it. I won't be down there if they are watching it but for some reason, they like the fashion aspect. Looking at their top ten, the queer eye is about fashion, the dress one is about fashion, Jane by design is about fashion and Drop dead diva talks a lot about fashion. 

My guess is that my girls that like these things are the one's most into fashion. So, there are the main shows the princesses like and my take on the one's I have seen. 

I started watching a show called Alias and it seems to be quite good. Double agent for the CIA with the actor from the movie "Limitless" which I absolutely love. I watched the first episode of "Life interrupted" and didn't get through it. It seemed like a "Friends" wanna be and was very suggestive. Not something I would recommend.

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