
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Coat Closet Cleanout - Much needed

As you know, I started cleaning out the house with the help of Princess 2 who is now residing in Vegas. Her spirit has lived on as I continue to go through things and get rid of things we no longer use. I used to be very good at going through things regularly but, as you can see from my post of the past year and other things which I don't post about going on.... I have been one busy mom and cleaning out closets went by the wayside for over a year. 

This last weekend was the first I didn't have to go somewhere even though most princesses were busy. I knit the weekend away but needed a diversion from knitting so I went through the coat closet. I have to say that I laughed out loud when I found the items in the top picture. There was a book bag stuck down behind the plastic drawers we use to house gloves, hats, goggles, scarves and other ski and snow items. 

In this book bag, there was a plastic bag of candy  "Nerd" ropes with Peru woven bracelets and Christmas notes to Princess threes friends. I guess she gave out some and lost the rest behind the drawer. 

I took a photo and texted it to her. We both had a good laugh. Princess five and four wanted to try and eat the Nerd ropes and said the Nerds were great but the licorice was so hard it broke if you tried to bend it. Only kids would dare attempt to eat that. It has to be at least two years ago that she gave those away but I am thinking possibly three. So gross.

The closet is looking much emptier will be even more once I have princess three home to pick out the coat, ski bibs etc that she wants. 

The box was what we would put all their school work in that we would take "Home art show" video of on a regular basis. (See a post about that here.) It is one quarter full and probably has three or four years of items in it. Since the girls aren't in elementary anymore, they don't do much art and so there are mostly newspaper clippings and academic certificates that need to be sorted and put in their "memory boxes." That will empty out an entire shelf and as you can see, there are more empty hangers than coats. It is so weird to have only a few coats in it when we were used to having so many. 

I couldn't believe how many back packs we had. One year, they all decided that "book bags" over the shoulder were the "in" thing so we got rid of at least three of those and five back packs and I had already gotten rid of some that I knew no one would want. So this time, I had the girls go through them. 

As you can see, we still have a full shelf but when we went to Peru, we each used one as a carry-on and they were very useful in the country so I hesitate to get rid of all of them just yet. I still have four unmarried Princesses and going to varied parts of the world seems to be something they enjoy doing. (See Africa post here) (See Peru post here) (See Philippines Post here) (See Taiwan post here) (See Thailand post here)

We got rid of four coats, four ski bibs, boots, gloves, hats, headbands, back packs and book bags. I am probably forgetting somethings as I don't have everything pictured but I took the pictures so I could post them on the yard sale site and hopefully make a few dollars. 

I know it is coming to the end of the snow season but even if they don't sell, I usually donate that type of stuff to the local woman shelter to help those staying there. I know the winter stuff will get used as well as the back packs so either way, I feel happy that my closet is cleaned out and that in the process, the items are going to a a good cause of either helping Princess four go to Thailand or the women that end up at the shelter. 
 It seems weird to start having empty spaces where there used to be so much having had so many beautiful princesses and their "stuff" but I have to say, I really like seeing things cleaned out and orderly again. Maybe when I have "empty nesters" it will be harder for me but as of now, I am enjoying the girls I do have home and liking sorting and cleaning. 

What do you have in your closets and drawers that may be of use to someone else? 

I had a friend that was moving who donated a box of items to the service mission cause and today, I made almost seventy dollars putting her used DS with our old games and carrying bag online. 

Like I said in my post about having an "indoor yard sale," (See that post here.) Sometimes people may not be willing or able to donate money to your cause or project but they may have items sitting around the house that they would be willing to donate so you can sell it. 

I have probably made $200 on things that people have donated to the mission and probably wanted to get rid of anyway but wanted to know it went to a good cause. I still have an item that is for sale from my good friend Julie. Here is a link to her entertainment center and some fun ideas you could do with your own old entertainment center.

Thanks to everyone who has purchased a scarf, donated items to the yard sale, bought items at the yard sale or donated money to her trip. She is getting very excited to go and is so grateful to you all! One more thing, tonight the local McDonald's is sponsoring the kids in our area with a fund raiser. (See here for a post about last months FUD raiser) If you go into the store between 5 and 9 tonight and purchase your food inside, they will give the kids half of the revenue towards their trip. So, if you are wanting a night off from cooking dinner, think about supporting four kids going on service missions to Cambodia, Thailand, Africa and Vietnam.  (I think on that last one...I may have the wrong place) Thanks again for all you do and are to our family!!!

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