
Monday, March 18, 2013

St Patricks Day Visit for Princess Three

Today we had a bit of a drive to go visit Princess Three at college. They had a parents day and dinner. Princess four got into the spirit of the day by wearing a green dress but I completely forgot to wear green and they let me know it. 

They had a dinner for all the families of the students in her neighborhood. It was roast beef, homemade mashed potatoes, green salad, home made rolls, and some sort of cool whip salad with fruit and chocolate covered animal crackers in it and chocolate eclairs for dessert. There had to be over 400 people there and they had to set up extra tables. 

I think it meant a lot to Princess three that we went to visit her. She had her hair done really cute (if you know princess four, she usually just pulls it in a pony/slinky) she called me early this morning to see if we were coming and look at the smile on her face. 

She loved having her family there. We enjoyed not having to cook. The drive there and back was spent singing show tunes off the ipods in the new car my dad gave us. Sweet ride that Lincoln. I noticed even more amazing things. There is a garage door button on the visor!! Totally cool. Each day I drive it, I find out some new wonderful thing about it. 

The other wonderful thing about today is that when we got home, Princess two moved back from Vegas. The family she was with said they would take her half way home next Thursday or Friday but that is Prom and another meeting for me so I wouldn't have time to go meet them. We put it on face book and found someone headed from Vegas to our home town for a funeral in just a few hours. She was able to get that ride saving me the worry of dealing with it on prom. Normally, I wouldn't care but if you follow this blog, you will recall how HUGE prom is in this town.  I have never seen the like so I wouldn't dare miss it.
Here is a post about Princess two's prom
Here is Part two of that post.  
Here is the post about Princess Three's prom.

I am so grateful for friends that read the fb posts and act on them. It is nice to have her back and I hope she was able to help the family she was with. I guess they are headed on vacation next week and then family is coming to visit them the next week so we are happy to have her back as the next few weeks will be very busy with prom and Easter.


  1. Funny, you must be tired. You called her Princess 2 and Princess 4 but not Princess 3 except in the title. I'm gad you all had a great St. Pat's dinner. We made corned beef hash and sauteed cabbage and pistachio pudding because it was green.

  2. Thanks for pointing that out. Princess four always laughs at me when I do that. Not that the girls read the blog much. They are so busy but it bothers her when I do mess it up. I fixed it but you have to know, half the time I am asleep when I am posting so it is amazing to me that I don't mess it up more than I do. :-)
