
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Top of the Class - Amazing Princesses and Puzzle Cheater Finish

All of my girls are amazing and do well in school. Princess four skipped a grade along with a few other of the princesses. However, she was almost a  year younger than many in her grade once skipping. The fact that she has been able to keep up and excel in itself is amazing.
However the other day, something amazing happened for her. I found a copy of her transcripts on the dining room table. I was going to throw it away thinking it was just a mid-term report as it isn't time for report cards but wondered why she had it so I put it on the kitchen counter while cleaning.

Later that day, I asked her if she needed it. She told me, "Mom, I wanted to show you something..." She then pointed out that she is number one in her class. She said, "I am smart." like it was something new to her.

I am sure that there are several in her class that are 4.0 and tied for first in the class but what an accomplishment for her to have that position with having skipped a grade and with everything else she has going on. Dancing itself with all the competitions and doing all the service locally towards her service mission as well as being in the community choir or going to the leadership conferences that she is involved in and more would be enough to tax anyone.

I had a talk with her this weekend about doing too many things and the stress that it can bring. We talked about possible cutting down on a few activities but since several are at different times of the year, she felt she was ok. She is getting ready to go on tour with the choir over Easter and is so excited to be able to perform. She LOVES to sing, dance and perform.

So, I guess I will just stand back and stay out of her way as she continues to amaze me and sometimes even herself at how talented and gifted she is. She keeps thing organized and keeps me on track for what comes next.

Sometimes I wonder how I am so blessed. Each Princess has their own unique abilities and gifts and I stand amazed frequently at what they do and who they are.

As an update, princess five finished the "Puzzle Cheater" puzzle the other day. (See that post here.) I still laugh that she would rather do a puzzle by the number than the picture. She actually enjoyed it. I flipped it over and took a picture of it finished and wish I could read the painter on the puzzle and do some research. I have it in the box as a decoration in my "western" family room. (see a post about that here.)

If any of you have any idea who the artist is, please let me know. I haven't decided if I want to glue it together and frame it or what but I thought it was fun. It kinda reminds me of a Remington piece of art we see in the Masterpiece game that we enjoy playing. (See a post about that here.

Maybe I enjoy that game because as I look at my girls, Each is a "Masterpiece" in themselves. Each different with different abilities and talents but in the end, each of them are PRICELESS!

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