
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Stalking Part 3 - Cyber and internet Stalking

It is hard to find images for my posts about stalking but there are some funny things out there. The saying at the top is one I found on the same search as these others. I thought it was a funny quote. 
Other ways I know of people being stalked are varied. I personally know someone who has been stalked in all these different ways. There is a guy I went to school with, and when talking with his wife, her ex burnt the house down. She was so grateful that she didn't have any children with him. Others are not so lucky... Children in the mix makes it harder to make a clean break from a controlling and abusive person. 

There are wake up calls on his birthday at five a.m. from "" There are the "Fake emails" someone sets up and then uses them to make friends with her friends using an abbreviation of her name and posts rude things and offends her friends making them think it was her they were visiting with all the time. 

There is another "fake email" that he used to sign her up for "contact" calls where companies advertise on the internet and they tell her that she signed up for them to call her with a great deal on a home refinance or a student loan. When she asks them the email address that requested the call, they say it is "" and she tells them that her ex has been giving out her personal information, including how much she has left to pay on her home etc. She tells them she didn't request the call, she shares that her ex was just using the company to harass her as he had been caught earlier prank calling her and is under order from the judge to not call the house anymore. They then politely hang up after she kindly asks them to BLOCK her phone from any future calls from their company. 

There are the spam emails that he also signs up for online using her real email account so she gets 1,000 junk emails daily from every company that advertises on the internet.  There is the facebook accounts in his "usernames" where he exposes himself and the filters on facebook didn't catch it. The sad part is that, of course, she wasn't the one looking up the "username" it was one of the kids that got to see the pornographic photo but she got to be the one to report it to facebook so it could be removed. 

The bank notified her that there were so many failed attempts electronically to get into her bank account that they put a freeze on the account. She had never tried to get into her account electronically so she had to place electronic blocks on all her accounts and her children's accounts. 

There are the thousands of prank hang up calls to the house using a calling card at all hours of the day. The funniest part about this stalking activity is that my friend didn't even know she was being prank called for a year because when he would call and then hang up, she thought the kids were answering the phone. The only reason she knew at all was that he got a bit more bold and called at crazier hours and more often and she recognized the caller id calling card number. This also backfired on him when she subpoenaed his phone records and found 1-900 numbers.

For safety and reasons sake, I won't tell you how she proved it was him calling and making all the prank calls, but lets just say, the police and the judge felt there was enough evidence to order him to not be able to call the house except twice a week before nine p.m. That made her life a bit easier. 

My personal favorite electronic stalking activity that he has done, was when he got into her account and signed himself up for electronic copies of her credit cards and other online accounts. He even went so far as to sign up as the administrator over her phone and internet accounts online where he didn't even need a password to see her emails through her internet company. For over two years, he was the administrator online of her entire account. 

Of course, the phone company has a little box that you check off when you sign up as the administrator of the account that states "I am the authorized user of this account." But, when pressed to pursue, they state that the crime was against my friend so she would have to go after him but in reality, he lied to them, the phone company, for the account. The results of that issue are still pending but as more and more is known about these CRAZY people who think they are above the law get caught, the laws gather more strength and the punishments get more intense. One nut just got 20 years in jail for breaking into his ex's house and putting spyware on her computer. I have hope that my friend can soon find peace from her stalking ex.

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