
Monday, March 25, 2013

Stalking Part 2 - Computer Stalking

Many years ago, I knew someone who managed a large office. He purchased software and put it on all the office computers that allowed him to see what the people in his office were viewing. It also had a feature that he could pick key words in an email and it would alert him if the key words were used.

For example, he put his name in as a key word and any time anyone in the office sent an email that had his name in it, that email would be flagged and sent to him. He could view all their emails, but those were the one's that he spent his time viewing as with many people in an office, it would be very time consuming reading all the emails so this program let you select words that would send up a red flag.

This was at least 12 years ago so this software has been around for some time. I thought I would share this information as you really never know who is watching you. It is legal for a business owner to do at work as they own the computers you are working on so just beware and don't do things you don't want viewed at work.

Another thing with that, was that if he had an employee he wasn't happy with, he could view their emails and web surfing views, and use the information to give reason to "fire" that person so if you aren't in good with your boss, you may want to be careful what time you spend surfing on the net or writing personal emails while at work. If you view non-work related emails, you would be "wasting" time on the job and give reason to dock pay or to be fired.

That software has to be installed on the computer but there are other types that can be sent through an email or loaded through the internet if you don't have a good firewall.

Here is another news story where they did a similar thing as on the last post. 

When there is an email spyware on the computer, your computer runs a bit slower when you hit "reply" and for just a quick second, if you look in the "send" area, you can see an email flash on the screen letting you know you have a stalker getting each of your emails.

The phone spyware I shared about last post, some of those purchases come with a "Free email spyware" which will send the person you want to spy on an email that will install the spyware onto their computer, then it well send a copy of every email you write to the stalkers email.

Here is a link to a search for email spyware for free to show you how easy it is to find and there are many that will allow you to try it for a few days free. You could just add a new one every few days and see what you want and never purchase it. 

All it takes to put it on the computer is the other person opening the email. With "spoofing" they make the email look like it is coming from a friend or someone else. "Spoofing" is when they can make ANY phone number or email show up as the sender. It makes you think the call or the email is coming from someone else.There are directions on the internet to show you how to "Spoof" someone. They can "Brick" your phone which basically ruins the phone of the person on the receiving end. Here is a link to a "spoofing" search showing what it is or how to do it. 

Many years ago, someone I know sent an email to someone saying "they had been caught viewing pornography and if they didn't stop, they would be terminated". The person sending the email "spoofed" the email and made it look like it was coming from the Governors office. Spoofing can be tracked by the ip addresses and this person actually was threatened for his "spoofing" joke by the governors office as I guess the person who received it reported the email and they tracked it back and "this person" who sent it, and the sender was threatened that if he did it again, they would go after him legally.

If they have access to your "wi-fi" you can also sometimes see a window that flashes in the bottom page bar as they are getting access to files.

Another issue, is if they have had access to your computer, they can add themselves as a contact using white lettering on white background and you won't even see their name come up. They can do it over an actual contacts name so you can't see them come up when you hit "All" and send an email to all your contacts. This can cause all your email contacts to not actually show up unless you highlight the "Send to" bar but this may be beyond the amateur stalker's thought process.

These are just some of the ways Stalkers get access to your computer. 

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