
Friday, March 22, 2013

Stalking Part 1 - Stalking Through the Cell Phone

Have you ever known someone that has been stalked? I have.... It is a lonely road for those who have stalkers. Most people are unaware of the lengths that stalkers will go to to invade someone's life. 

People think that unless you are famous, you won't be stalked but there are many controlling spouses, ex's boyfriends etc out there that will go to great lengths to know where their spouse is, see what they are viewing online, invade emails and the worst, get spyware onto your phone. When I talk with people about my friends problem with a stalker, they often don't believe the things that he will do to invade her life. 

She has dealt with phone spyware on her phone long before most carriers were aware there was a problem such as phone cloning and cell phone spyware. Even now, most people don't know that there are many options out there for phone spyware. For as little as $30, you can purchase software that you send to someone's cell phone as a text attachment. They open the picture or whatever the front cover is, and the spyware is then loaded onto the phone. Usually, the phone will reset itself and the person wonders why it did that but figures it is a glitch in the phone.

After that, the stalker gets a copy of your texts, they hear every phone call by dialing in as the phone is ringing or dialing, they can also listen to your conversations through the speaker on the phone even when you aren't on the phone. As long as the phone has a battery in it, it becomes a microphone for them to hear everything you are saying even if it isn't on.  The only way to keep them from having control of your phone is to take the battery out.

My friend couldn't figure out why her ex always knew when she would leave town. A friend then sent her a link to this video on youtube by a news agency. It isn't long but I think you will be really freaked out at how invasive this software is on the phone. Here is a link to the first youtube video explaining how they found out about the phone spyware. 

After that, there was no question as to how her ex knew when she was leaving town. This also explained why her phone got hot all the time when she was on calls and why it would light up and turn on when she wasn't even on the phone and the phone was across the room on a table. One year, she went through four different phones because they would get so hot that it would "fry" the phone and it wouldn't work anymore. It also drains the battery quickly which is another sign of spyware.

Here is a link showing how to get the anti-spyware software for your phone. Unfortunately, for my friend, you need a fairly new phone to be able to use the software. It doesn't work on older phones.

When my friend texts others, sometimes they ask who is texting because another number shows up when she texts. When they investigate what that number is, it is called a  Horeveth number (can't remember spelling) which is a number spammers and Phishers use when they don't want the government to catch them. They are usually routed through a computer and makes them untraceable.

This isn't the most "happy" post I have ever written but I thought it would help others be aware of what is really going on out there. Your daughters or son's may have someone purchase this and put it on their phones. It is good to be informed these days as there are so many CRAZY people out there that can't seem to live their own lives, but need to live through spying on those who are actually living life.

I have a few more things to post about on this "Stalking" subject so I will do that next week.

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