
Thursday, February 14, 2013

"FUD" Raiser for Humanitarian Service Missions

Today we had a very busy day. I was getting ready for the day when Princess Two called me and needed me to meet her somewhere. I never got back home. I wish I had taken that few extra minutes but it worked out ok in the end. 

After that, I raced to get Princess five to dance after she had the day off for Parent Teacher meetings. I then took Princess four to her McDonald fund raiser. Four kids from our local area are doing service missions with the same group that Princess four is going with and Princess three went with two years ago. (see one of the many posts about that here)

They set up a service fund raiser for the kids to work at McDonalds and we tell everyone we know to go in and eat there on a specific night from 5-8 p.m. 

There were supposed to be a few more kids but they didn't show up so Princess two and I decided to chip in as well as Princess four and the friend she got to "help" her. 

I literally didn't go in my house after leaving it this morning so I had no coat, gloves anything. I ended up being the person at the drive through to get people to eat inside. I am not sure why they would only give half of the proceeds from inside purchases and nothing on drive through traffic. So, I got to stand in the cold pointing people to go inside. I think a few people thought the drive through was broken but most just opened their windows and let me explain that if they went inside and purchased their food, we would get half of the purchase towards the kids service Humanitarian Missions. 

Most people were great and went inside and the few that couldn't due to children or injury made donations. In the 1 1/2 hours I stood outside, I made almost $50 in donations and got more than half the cars going through the drive up to go inside to purchase their meals. 

Princess Two got to stand on the street shaking a pink sign trying to bring in business along with my sister whose daughter is going to Cambodia.

Funny story. My sister was chalking the windows of her suburban to park on the street for people to see when they drove past. She was in such a hurry that she wrote the sign and some people went in to restock "Red box" and as I went in, they came up to me discretely and said, "We didn't want to offend the lady outside but she miss-spelled fundraiser and wrote, "Fud" raiser." I laughed and said, "I guess it would have worked if she had put in the N and taken out the D and had "Fun" raiser." When I told my sister, she just laughed and went out to fix it.

Princess four got to serve drinks and make Chocolate and latte drinks. She said, "Working there has got to be the easiest job ever." However, she did complain saying her lower back and feet hurt from standing on the cement and tiles that entire time. 

I was FREEZING with a short sleeve silky shirt on and ended up wearing Princess fours Micky Mouse sweat shirt (much too small) and my nephews BMX jacket (He is 12 and rather small) so I looked rather silly at the drive through with my breath showing in a jacket 10 sizes to small. All in all, we earned $200 for each person going on a service mission. 

I rushed home and taught Knitting classes  to seven women, showing them how to make the beautiful scarves that are so popular at the moment. Here is a link to my post about making those. That money also is going to the service mission payments. We also sold three more scarves to friends and participants of the class.

One blessing is that someone I really needed to talk with drove through the drive through and I got to converse with him about important matters as he has been too busy to return my calls. It seems like every time I think I am doing a favor for someone, Heavenly Father blesses me in the end.

I then went to buy groceries and found $21 as I was checking out. Once again, as I stress and rush to try and make up these payments for my daughter to have a wonderful service opportunity that is once in a lifetime, Heavenly Father reminds me to "trust Him" in so many ways. Here is a link to my "In God we Trust" post. 

So today, all in all, was a great day. We are so blessed.  Thanks McDonalds for your support of this great thing the kids are doing. Thanks to all of you who have and continue to support my girls in all they choose to do. They may have trials in some areas of life but you all make up for it by being so wonderful to support them in so many ways. Thank you! 

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day!

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