
Friday, February 15, 2013

Knitting, Knitting, Scarf, Yarn....

I calculated how much I spent in yarn this past month and it was $500. So in the past few days, we finally broke even on the buying of the yarn. Now, anything Princess 4 sells, will be profit. 

The problem I see with this, is that Princess four is SO busy that she has no time to knit. Princess two is continually selling things on our "Indoor Yard sale" and Princess 5 has had a large project due which has taken most of her time. 

We have been out of town almost every weekend for the past two months and that leaves me to make ALL the scarves. With that, I still have all the crazy every day stuff going on driving kids around and parent teacher meetings etc.

So, by the time I finish up with all the things that need to be done during business hours, then, going through all the closets, drawers, storage stuff that Princess two needs me to sort so she can sell it on the "Yard sale", that leaves me knitting in the middle of the night. :-(

So, as you can see by my late posts the past week or so, I am exhausted. Last night, I fell asleep on the couch with the lights and TV on and the recliner out but I slept folded over in the recliner loveseat. 

I was so tired, I didn't hear the tv going off or the lights going off and when Princess two was leaving town for the day, I still didn't make myself comfortable. I got up and had to face the day with aches and pains from sleeping in a VERY bad position. 

All the activities that Princess two and three have going on this month took my entire income to pay so I will continue knitting the scarves to get those paid off so I can start living (and sleeping) again. 

Good news, I only have about 50 more skeins of yarn to go! lol Actually, I am teaching knitting classes and they go much quicker that way as I can do that in about an hour. I don't make as much per skein of yarn but make more per hour so it kind of evens out. 

Today was the first day I haven't blogged at least during the day and  I think this past week takes the cake for records of late posts times four. I know things will get back to normal but what mother wouldn't sacrifice for their child to have such wonderful opportunities. I know it will shape and make her even more amazing than she already is (if that is possible.) 

I pray that I can get myself together and finish off these projects and get my home and life back into a bit more normal routine.

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