
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Thank you Kristy, Brittney, and Everyone Else

I was heading home from my sisters and needed to find out if the power cord to my laptop is the power problem I am having or if the problem is inside the computer connection. 

I stopped at a computer store and found out that there is a short in my plug. The computer store suggested that I go to a battery store a mile down the road and check to see if they have a new cord. 
The battery store said they didn't have what I needed and in the entire time they have been there, that has happened only once before. So I will have to get one offline. 

But, while I was there, there was a second hand store next door. 

I went in and recently I have been looking for more bean bag chairs to use to fill up the one's I have and I have sewn covers for bean bags for the girls rooms using fleece.

They had three bags there and I got them all for $14. When I arrived home, I took some "Totally Awesome Cleaner," (which I LOVE and use often,) and cleaned them.   

When I was through, I went to pull off the tags and noticed that two had Christmas tags with names on them.  The girls names were Kristy and Brittney. I could picture the girls getting them for Christmas one year and then donating them when they didn't need them anymore. 
 It made me grateful, once again, for all the people who have donated old items to the second hand stores which have so often blessed my lives. 

I just flipped through the old posts I have already posted about on here and pulled out just some of the items that we were blessed to get at second hand stores which have enhanced and bettered our lives. 

The table at the top was $100 for the entire set. I refinished it and we have enjoyed it for years now. (Here is the post about that.)

The dehydrator is only one of many that I have purchased at second hand stores. If you read my post, you know that I have enjoyed and used them regularly to benefit my family and many others with the dried fruit I share. (Here is the first post about that.) 

This Audio Book shown by Clive Cussler, and about 200 others, have been a distraction when I drive and get tired and have probably saved our lives on more than one occasion. I listen to them every time I drive, bake, dehydrate, can, or do other lengthy projects. (Here is a link to a post about those.) 
The puzzle shown here and several of the others we own were also from second hand stores. For the most part, I get them new and unopened. Here is a post about that.

The desk and the end table for my daughters college apartment were both from a second hand store. Here is a link to how we used them in her college room.

Here is a post for a link to a table that I got for Princess 1 and Prince number 1's first apartment.  

I have told my girls several times in the past that I can't wait to be on the giving end to second hand stores more than I do. I donate when I can but hope that someday soon I am blessed enough to be able to be more on the donating end than the receiving end. 

Either way, I would like to thank Kristy, Brittney and everyone else that has donated useful items for our benefit  and others.   

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