
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jello Flavored Dried Bananas - Raspberry, Strawberry, Cherry etc

 My sisters has fabulous neighbors. They are a wealth of knowledge. From the day she moved in, she felt they were kindred spirits. They raise Bees for honey, chickens, and have many gardens. They have been instrumental in my sister getting chickens. (See that post here)

My sister got two cases of bananas from him the other day as he got 4 from a store. 

They were in great shape and he shared a recipe that they use to dehydrate their bananas so my sister had her daughter try the recipe out. 

All they do is to make a package of Jell-o and then dump it into a bowl and put in sliced bananas and stir. They then place them on the plastic dehydration trays you would use for fruit leather and dehydrate

I got so focused on her other projects that I never did try one that was dried. However, I thought it sounded interesting and decided to share it with you.

You can make them in any flavor that Jello comes in which gives you lots of options. 

I have never like dehdrated bananas and prefer my bananas freeze dried. However, if you read this blog, you know that I do dehydrate LOTS of bananas as most people LOVE my dehydrated bananas. (See that post here) I think next time I get a box of bananas, I will try this and see how my kids and friends like them. (Here is a post with how I use the dried bananas in ways I do enjoy them.)
I bet it would be good on apples and other fruit but I hate adding anything to my apples as they are so sweet and good in the original form. Perhaps on red delicious which tend to not be as good dried, it would help. Next time I get some not sore crisp apples, I will try this on those and share my findings    

I didn't know that chickens would eat banana peels but here they are saving them for the chickens. I learn something new daily.  

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