
Monday, January 28, 2013

Barbie and Puppet Spa Day Side Track

I mentioned that I was going to write a "Part Two" to yesterdays post but I got side tracked and had a bit of a set back this weekend with my health. I was feeling better and stopped taking things that would make it continue to get better and also having some high pressure storms moving around caused me to not have the best weekend.

I took lots of medication and still had head and chest pain so not being able to sleep. I continued our "winter cleaning" for our "inside yard sale" and worked on finishing up the toy closet. 

I am late to make this post and am not feeling the best so I will share with you how to "Redo", "revamp", "Make-over" barbies, puppets or dolls with "fake hair.

I got rid of lots of our puppets this weekend as I don't have children small enough to play with them so I probably got rid of half. I kept the one's pertaining to the girls "collections." 

Princess four collects Muppets so I pulled the "Miss Piggy" puppet out. All this yellow sticky foam started raining down. I thought about throwing it out but it is such a cute puppet, I decided I would try to save it. I had to clip the lining off the dress and shake it into a few bags to throw away and then I took it outside and really shook it trying to get it all out before washing it. The foam is yellowed and was staining the dress at the corners. 
After that, I took "ZOUT" (Best product for getting out stains by far.) and washed the entire thing without submerging the hair of the puppet. I rinsed and dumped and rinsed and dumped several times. Then, wrang out the fabric part that was washed. 

I took "Totally awesome cleaner" and used WHITE paper towels (colored ones will bleed onto whatever you are cleaning) and washed the face. I also use it on the Barbies and other toys as it is "amazing." 

This puppet is over 30 years old and it was time for her to get a spa day and get her hair done.  For the hair, 
use a mist or spray bottle, Comb it out dry first, when the tangles are gone, get it damp. Next, spray it and pick out a little section. Use your finger to wrap the hair around and you can make the curls tight which makes them really curly or wide and loose. 

After it is wrapped, slide your finger out and put a bobby pin through the center of the curl with one side and the outside with the other side of the bobby pin. Do this with the entire head of hair.

Use something to keep the arms up if it is a puppet as you don't want the water dripping off the finger tips as it dries or it will leave water marks. So, I just used a hanger to keep the arms up and dry. I used a paper towel holder as a drying rack and placed it on top of a heat vent until it was dry. 

Princess four was thrilled with the puppet and how cute it turned out.  With Barbies, it is easier as there isn't any fabric so I just use the "Totally awesome cleaner" on the entire thing minus. 

I just keep falling asleep causing this post to be late and I'm getting a sore neck. I wish I had a before picture of the puppet, dirty and mangy hair, but you have to admit, it came out fairy well. Sorry about the late post.

1 comment:

  1. My girlfriend said she read somewhere to put downy in the spray bottle and never comb the dolls hair dry. She tried it on her American Girl doll and said it worked wonders. I have combed their hair dry for years but I am guessing the Downy would work wonders and make it a quicker task. Hopefully, I will never have to try it out. I hope to be done with dolls. I'll leave that to the Princesses from now on. :-)
