
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Who is Day Light Saving? Not Me

I realized after my Sit-itus post yesterday that it is not only just sitting that causes this. It also has to do with the time of year. The darker it is in the early evening, the worse the "itus" gets. 

We just switched to Day Light Savings and our family hates it. Tonight for example, we ate dinner, had family prayer, read some scriptures and I did a double take when I realized it was only just past six. These routines usually end about 9:30. I told Princess five to go take a shower and get ready for bed and she said, "It's just after six......" 

I told her that it felt later and that I was tired. I guess the darkness of the night during day light savings makes me think it is later than it is. 

I have never understood the principle of "day light savings" as most people keep the same hours for work and don't get up any earlier to do work and the cost to keep the lights on in our homes more because it is darker earlier in the evening makes me think it isn't worth the change.

I, for one, don't feel that "day light savings" is saving me anything. All I want to do right now is heat up a few of the heating pads in the microwave, toss them into the bed, turn out the lights and go to bed early. (Click here for a post about the heating pads.)

I used to be able to at least work in the yard some in the evening or do more in the evenings but we haven't adjusted yet.

So, I am going to write in my journal, make sure the kids are down, and heat up those heating pads..... The fact that I'm finished blogging and it is 6:59 should tell you the the sit-itus, combined with the darkness of the  hour, has lured me into a downward spiral towards bed tonight. Perhaps I can overcome this horrible illness by tomorrow night and post a real post!  

-Princess five just said she was going to bed and it is 7:40. I was searching for a picture and we went down memory lane for awhile and got side tracked by i-tunes. Still, much earlier than normal. Hope your family is adjusting better than mine.


  1. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but daylight savings ended in November. So this is the normal time. So maybe you really want daylight savings to continue all the time. LOL

  2. You NEED the rest anyway, you stay up WAY too late normally. Enjoy the sleep, you'll feel much better afterward.

    Did you know they've done studies that show that getting more sleep can help us lose weight. Yeah, I need to try that.
