
Monday, November 12, 2012

I Have Sit-itus - Can You Help?

It has been happening for years now. 

It seems that anytime I sit down without something to keep my attention, I fall asleep. 

It happens at least several times a month but for some reason, I can't seem to get over this illness. 

Since I am asleep, there aren't many photos as I am the picture taker at my house. But, here are three my sister has taken when I have been with her. I know there are more as I asked her once why she always takes pictures of me sleeping. It isn't only me though, she has many of her husband sleeping sitting up and some really funny one's of her kids.

I had a busy weekend and once everything was unloaded and put away, the girls started playing wii. I sat to watch and soon was buried beneath a down blanket and in a deep sleep. 

A phone call woke me at 9:15 and once again, I regretted ever sitting down! I told the girls that I can't sit with them and not have something happening or I will be overcome with the illness.

I suggested we play a real game or do a puzzle or watch something as those activities will keep me awake but if I sit down for even 2 minutes without something to keep me busy, it is over.   

I guess I have had it long before the past few years as here is a picture of me sitting up and writing so perhaps sometimes, it even overtakes me when I am doing something. This photo is about 12 years old so I guess it may have started long before I realized. 

Do you know anyone with Sit-itus? If you find a cure, please let me know! :-)


  1. It's not a disease, its just you being productive at every possible moment. If nothing is going on then you are seizing the moment to catch up on sleep. That way you can stay up later and get other things done when most others are sleeping. I heard that Spencer W. Kimball did the same thing. You are in good company.

  2. I do, it's called SLEEPING 8 hrs every night. I know you, you're always doing something and have so many projects that need to be done you don't go to bed. Thus falling asleep writing this blog, etc.

    Maybe you need a sleeping pill or something.

    I remember the bottom pic, B posted it on your family Missionary letter. He said you were teaching a lesson on Zeezrom the next day. So funny. Get some sleep chick!!!!!
