
Friday, November 9, 2012

Princess in Service - Food Bank Project

Princess four has been working on some service hours for the past two weeks. She is trying to get some service hours logged to go on a service mission like the one Princess number three went on a few years ago to Africa. Here is a link to the post on Africa when she went.
There are several posts about it including this one about some of the items she made to take for the local children.  

Princess number four has taken her example and applied to the same organization and was accepted to go to Thailand. 

She decided that she would make the sacrifice to earn what money she needed to raise for her trip. She has been beating the pavement asking for donations and has already begun her service hours. In order to participate with this group, you have to do 80-100 hours of local service in your own community with 40 of those hours being for one organization.  Then, while in the service country, there are two weeks of service.
Princess 4 chose to make the organization for her service hours the food bank. She contacted them asking what she could do for them. Since they are only open when she is at school, it was wonderful that they could find a project for her to do after school hours. 

Along with organizing a food drive and sorting meetings, she is bagging 1500 lbs of Heath Bar crunch for distribution. 

There are over 30 boxes of crunch pieces and each box takes her about an hour to bag and label. She has finished about ten so far in the past two weeks and is hoping to finish the rest before Thanksgiving so she can have most of her hours done before the holidays. 

The sorting meetings will be after the main food drive next week. During their food drives, they get thousands of pounds of canned food donated and they have to sort it by food type. We have helped with this process for years now, but, she is organizing a group of Middle school kids to go and learn about the food bank and have them help in the sorting process. 

I spent an hour or so making lables to go on the Heath bags with content information and instructions. 

I am blessed and grateful that my girls choose to do service and enjoy the opportunity to help those that may be less fortunate than we are in our lives. 

Who could ask for more than that? I am so blessed! 
Also, if any of you would like to donate to Princess 4's trip to Thailand, please contact me for the link. It is tax deductible and I know she (and I) would appreciate any support you may be able to give.    

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