
Friday, November 2, 2012

Decorating Pumpkins - Part Three - Carving

I have done some great pumpkin carving over the years and will probably post about doing your family's faces on pumpkins at some point but for basics, this year, I will tell two main ways. 

The first is how Princess two carved her pumpkin. There are books all over that have patterns that you can use. I am sure there are patterns online as well that you can use. I found the best way for little children to carve pumpkins is for you to draw on them with pen. 

I photo copy whatever pattern I want to use. You can see the cute tweety bird patter in a magazine Princess is holding. I bought the magazine because Princess number five collects Looney Tunes. 
There are several cute patterns in there but she chose the tweety one which was funny because she didn't even realize she was wearing her tweety apron until I pointed it out. Here is a post about making that apron.

Here is the first post about making the aprons.

In the patterns books, they have beginner to expert. If you are choosing a beginner, you can use and exact-o knife or scissors and cut out the part that is to be cut out on the pumpkin and then use a pen to draw on the pumpkin

You can see the pen marks on Princess two's pumpkin above. It gives them something to follow. I didn't do it for her but she wasn't really into doing anything big. She just wanted to get something done. My younger kids could do this easy ghost pattern and I had several already cut out from past years. 

This tweety pattern is a little more difficult only because you can't cut the parts out because it is thin. This pattern does give you instruction on how to cut it out using a "cut here first, second,etc."  on the pattern. 

Of course, you clean out the pumpkin and cut the top off at an angle so it doesn't fall down in. The first one I cut straight up and down when I was younger and it fell right down into the pumpkin so make sure you always cut the top at an angle to keep it from falling in when it starts to shrivel. 

Photo copy the patter so you can use the original again another year. Then, tape the pattern on the pumpkin and start cutting out the dark lines.

If you are just using a picture, cut the outline lines. Then pupils and mouth. You can highlight areas by cutting out only some of the flesh and not all the way through the pumpkin but since we were in a hurry and she had already done two others, we did a simple pattern. 

If you cut it too close and cut through an area accidentally, you can use toothpicks to stick it back in. She cut the right eye a bit close and it wasn't staying where it should so I put in two toothpicks to hold it in the right place. You couldn't tell. Go in from the inside and it works well.  

I tried to use the battery candles in the pumpkins but they just weren't bright enough. I put three in one pumpkin but it didn't give off the same look as a real candle. 

I laughed this morning when I realized I never blew out the candles in the pumpkins last night and the neighbors cat was staring into the tweety pumpkin at the flickering light or perhaps she was enjoying the warmth of the candle. Either way, it was a funny sight at 7:30 this morning seeing her cuddle up to Tweety bird. All I could think about was how jealous Sylvester would be!

All three girls had fun making their pumpkins and I enjoyed them enjoying themselves. The pumpkins are already molding on the porch and I will be drying the useful one's for pumpkin pancakes and waffles. 

Some will also be used for pie this thanksgiving. I so enjoy the holidays with family. I am so blessed to have such wonderful children, family and friends. I count you all in there as well!   

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