
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Decorating Pumpkins -Part Two - Using Kits

One year, someone gave us a Halloween gift basket. Inside the basket were these two cute Potato Head pumpkin decorating kits. 

We have used them before and I really like them for several reasons. 

If any of you read my blog, you know that no vegetable or fruit goes to waste at my house. It gets dried or frozen for later use. (Here is one on pumpkin flour.)
When you carve a pumpkin, it sits in the sun for one day and it is now useless for food. It starts to mold within hours and so it is more of a decorative item than a food item.

With these kits, the pumpkin is still useful for food. The little holes don't cause much damage and I can cut around those holes when I am slicing the pumpkin for dehydrating or drying. It can also be boiled down and frozen for future use in pumpkin pies for thanksgiving. 
The other reason I like these kits is they make great accessories for fashion. Here Princess number two 
shows off her latest Tiara and glasses. (We are both laughing as I type this!)  It is so fun to have her home and back to her funny self. 

Really, the other reason is that it is a fast and easy way to decorate without the mess of carving pumpkins. Kids can do it themselves. To get the little posts in, you do need to punch a small hole but it is quick and easy. 
 Princess four is still sore and groggy from getting her wisdom teeth out and wasn't really up to carving a pumpkin so she was very happy to just use the Potato Head kit to decorate her pumpkin. 

There is also another quick way that is even easier for little kids and no punching is needed. None of the girls wanted to use it but there are felt decorating kits that are stickers and they cost just a few dollars and all the child has to do is peel off the back of the sticker and place the stickers on the pumpkin. 
I posted this picture again because it is on the left side. There are several kits available such as pirates etc.  

In this photo below, you can see the two Potato head kits we used and how cute they looked on the front porch. 

Princess five really had a great time as that was the second pumpkin she got to decorate. Tonight when we had trick-or-treaters, I couldn't believe the reaction to the Light Bright pumpkin. I was in the car waiting for a text and giving rides back and forth and would just watch people as they walked up the steps and the teen girls were fascinated with the Light Bright pumpkin I posted about yesterday. Perhaps next year, we will have to try more of those.   

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